Chapter Thirty-Two

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Another hour and a half later we hit a bump and my eyes flew open.

"Sorry, speed bumps."

"Where are we?"

"Still a couple hours out, about six more to go."

"Okay. How long was I sleeping? Are you hungry?"

"Only an hour and a half. Getting hungry, it's almost dinner."

"Do you want the subs now?"

"I guess so, we can count them as dinner."

"Sure." We had packed lunch meat, and vegetables for on the long buns Lily had given us, so we could have subs. I made them and I fed him and fed myself, alternately. Eventually, I just let him eat all of his before eating the last bit of mine. It was so filling that I didn't really want the whole thing, but I had to knowing I promised him I would eat.

I hate making him worry, and this is one of the things I can do to stop it.

"We should get bicycles."


"We should get bicycles when we come back, then we can go cycling this summer, all over."

"Sounds fun."

"There's a path through the woods a couple towns down, or we can just stick to roads. It's up to you."

"Both sound good. Did I ever tell you that we used to bike all over?"

"Yeah, that's what made me think about it."

"Kane? Are you going to play football this summer?"

"Are you going to play volleyball?"

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it much."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes, but-"

"I think you should."

"Because I used to play?"

"Yes, you sounded like you really enjoyed the sport. I think it's another part of you that made you, you."

"I see what you mean. I'm probably horrible now though."

"You got back on skates and you're phenomenal. You'd think you had been skating every day your whole life."

"Kane, you're much better than me."

"Dani, do you see my point?"

"Yeah, it might come back to me."

"I think it will, you were obviously really into it."

"I was, two practices and a game a week, and my dad had a net put up at home so we could fool around there too, then in the winter I played on my team and at school."

"You played all year round and at school?"

"Yeah, three seasons a year."

"Sounds like it kept you busy."

"It did. I started when I was eight, I only played for six years."


"How long did you play football?"

"Since I was eleven. So nine years, I quit at twenty."

"We should both restart this summer."

"We should."

"Would you actually play again?"


"Can I watch?"

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