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The fight commence, my first attacker was Cyborg. An excellent fighter he is, but I saw his weak spot. A perfect opening for me to attack him. I punched him on his side and kicked him, throwing him to the side of the wall. Then up next is Starfire, a little firecracker she is. Starfire flew up high with her starbolts ready to land an attack on me. Starfire threw her starbolts at me but successfully dodge all them until one of them hit me.

"YOU USED MY SISTER AS A PAWN FOR YOUR EVIL SCHEMES!!!! NOW YOU HAVE TO FACE MY ANGER!" Raven yelled as a big bird appeared from Raven's body.

The bird swooped down and went right through me. I screamed in pain as I was on my knees. Then I see Cyborg lifting his arm up as he got a message from Beast Boy.

"What's up B.B. why aren't you here?" Cyborg asked through his communicator.

"Well we have a problem it's not with Phoenix but with Robin," Beast Boy replied sounding worried.

"What's the issue?" Cyborg questioned wanting to know what's wrong with Robin.

"Robin is not in the Tower, he's gone!" Beast Boy exclaimed in worry.

"Where could Robin b-"

Cyborg was cut off by some yelling and I look up to see it was Robin as he was falling down from the broken stairs. Robin foot landed on my face knocking over to the right as my back hit the machine of my lair. This I could tell is going to be a good fight.

"I'm not gonna let you stand here and beat up my friends!!" Robin pointed out.

Beast Boy

"Well BB, we found Robin just say at the Tower with Phoenix and we will bring Robin home with us," Cyborg ordered through the communicator.

"Alright... over," I replied to the communicator.

I carried Phoenix to her room, laying her on her bed as she levitated herself up. I sat on the side of her bed and I see her pale gray hand, it seem like it was reaching out for me. I gently grabbed her hand, quickly noticing that it was dark. Opening my eyes, I see my surroundings have changed. I was once in the Titans Tower but now I'm on some ground that was floating with broken dead trees rooted to the dry ground. There were broken tree branches on the ground as funny looking birds were flying around as well. The sky was black with a red line going through the sky.

Overall this is someone's nightmare and it was giving me the creeps. I slowly walked around checking for any signs of Phoenix or a way to get out, but to my luck no signs. Then after a few seconds I see a person floating as their back was facing me. The person was covered by a white cloak and the only thing you could hear is their breathing.

"Hello do you know where I'm at or how I can get out of here?" I asked the mysterious person hoping they could give me some answers.

"Yes I do but I have to talk to you first," Phoenix said as she turning to face me.

"Phoenix where am I?"

"You are in the safest part of my mind since I'm trying to heal myself,"

"Okay what do you have to talk to me about?"

"Sit down like I am, then we can talk,"

I sat down on the ground with my legs crossed and then I felt myself floating up to eye level of Phoenix's eyes.

"I wanted to tell you why I followed Slade's orders. It was only to protect you, the Titans, and my baby Cerberus. Slade would kill you guys if I didn't follow it. You probably don't know it but you and the others mean the world to me since I've arrived here on Earth! I can't even imagine living life or a world without you or anyone else in it!" Phoenix told me as she wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't fall.

Phoenix, Raven's Twin Sister (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora