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"Of course we didn't know! What on Earth do you take us for, Isa?!"

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"Of course we didn't know! What on Earth do you take us for, Isa?!"

I didn't even look at Thea as I walked, my strides deliberate and purposeful. "How could you not? He's another Alpha...isn't it your job to know who they associate themselves with?"

I inwardly cursed my bluntness but I couldn't help it. The morning had come and gone, spent staring unseeingly at the whitewash walls. Phoenix hadn't come to see me, nor had anyone else; I was left on my own with only my thoughts as company, giving them the time to fester and grow dark.

Damien abruptly stepped in front of me, so quickly that I had to freeze in order to avoid crashing into his chest. I quirked a brow, trying to appear unfazed, but I was yet to grow used to the speed at which these enhanced werewolves moved.

"This pack is elusive, Isa." he stated, his eyes darkening with barely contained anger. "Phoenix is infamous for keeping his business to himself. We aren't trying to deceive you, nor are we trying to lie to you."

I narrowed my eyes. I felt bad for interrogating my friends but I didn't know who to trust. After all, my mate, the man destined to be my lover, had lied to me without thought. If he could betray me...who couldn't?

"I believe you." I said finally, convinced by the fierce look in Damien's eyes. "It hurts a little, you know? I didn't expect it. I suppose that makes me naive."

It was true. I was naive. Why did I ever think that love would find me once more? It had left me in early childhood, chased away by the sin that hung limply on my shoulders, draping over me like a cloak I had no choice but to wear. No one could tempt it back; not Phoenix, not one.

"It doesn't make you naive." said Thea as we walked outside, clasping my forearm gently. "It makes you human."

I looked out into the forest, haunted by the howls that stretched on endlessly, forming one soulful, halting melody.

"I don't feel human." I murmured, wrapping my arms around myself despite the warm weather. "I nothing."

"You are not nothing." piped up Damien, surprising me. I turned to face him, my eyes filling with tears. "Isa Brown, you are the rightful Luna to the largest pack in the world. These people belong to you. These woods belong to you. The werewolf world belongs to you. You are not are everything."

I was about to reply, my heart warming at his words, when a peal of laughter resounded from the far side of the field. I looked over. Terra was there, flanked by Phoenix. Her cheeks were flushed and her arms were open wide as she danced in the grass, golden hair spinning wildly around her. It was not jealousy that hit me but sadness. She was perfect for him and the pack. She was untainted and overwhelmingly happy...I, on the other hand, was broken beyond repair.

As if sensing my gaze, Phoenix's gaze left Terra and settled on my trembling form. I looked away almost immediately, my heart panging with an equal measure of longing and rejection. Thea stared over my shoulder at the Alpha and, having seen my pained expression, gave him the finger.

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