Explanations Pt. 2

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Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in so long it's just that I'm focusing on other books at the moment! Again, huge apology.

Blake's POV.

A part of me always knew that the chance of Alison forgiving me and welcoming back with open arms dwindled ever close to impossible as every year had past.

I was just scared. Scared that she would push me away like I had once done to the people close to me.

I regretted losing the sacred bond between my father and I, but my pride refused to patch the broken hole up. God, did I hate my pride. I would do anything to get rid of it.

But seeing her glare at the photo of our wedding picture with so much hate. So much regret.

That had done it.

That had been the thing to ruin any hope left in me.

The amount of animosity that shook in her eyes which I had grown to become fond of had allowed the remnants of my broken heart to wither in shock.

Alison did not come to work for the rest of the week and so didn't Elizabeth.

The two of them were absent for a full week and my worry for the both of them was beginning to increase. As much as I hated Elizabeth and the amount of attention she took away from my father, I still had to come to terms that she was family, whether I liked it or not.

So here I am, standing at the doorstep of Alison's apartment, a box of her favourite chocolates and a bouquet of flowers in my hand.

My body was trembling in excitement to see her again, yet the flicker of doubt within me threatened to disagree. There would be no surprise if she just slammed the door in my face.

But it is not Alison who answers the doorbell when I do ring it, but Elizabeth.

"What a pleasant surprise."she sneered, leaning on the doorframe as she looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

Forcing on a sickly, sweet smile I looked down at her, nodding. I didn't want piss her off this soon, she was the only way I could reach Alison.

"You look uh..beautiful?"I tried, giving her a sheepish grin,"Did you do something to you hair?"

She snorted, a faint smirk curving at her lips as she rolled her eyes.

"Alright, cut the crap, what do you want?"

I frowned,"Nothing, just thought I would drop by."

She raised an eyebrow, a suggestive glint lining her eyes,"Drop by and see something, or someone?"

"I see no reason to provide you with such information."

She rolled her eyes.

"Look, I know you wanna see Alison and all but I seriously can't let you do that. She's had enough of your shift for a lifetime."

I clenched my fists, anger towards my sister bubbling within me,"And who are you to decide that?"

"I'm her best friend while you are probably number one on her hit list."

I stayed silent knowing that he words are true. A triumphant smirk tugged at her lips as she spotted my defeated expression.

"El? Who's at the door?"

We both tensed as we recognised the famili voice, the sound of soft footsteps padding down the hallway catching our attention.

Elizabeth whips around to face me, her eyes wide with alarm,"You need to get out. Now!"

"No!"I huffed stubbornly, trying to peek through the door at least to get a glimpse of the love of my life,"I want to see her!"

She growled, shoving me backwards with more force than I had expected. I stumbled back, my fists raised in anger.

"You've done enough, Blake!"she hissed,"You've fucked shit up for her, enough! When will you be satisfied, huh? You made her life hell, and I can't let you make it worse! If that's even fucking possible!"

Her words hit me hard.

She was right.

I had ruined her.

I didn't deserve her at the least.

She deserved someone who she could trust and love her. She deserved a love that didn't have holes in it.

She deserved the best.

And as willing as I was to provide her with all this and more, I know that deep down I will never be enough.

So as Elizabeth slams the door in my face, running to her friend to stutter out an excuse, I lay my head on the thin wood separating us, my shoulders slumped and misery taking over me.


Sorry for the short chapter! >-<

I'm in a bit of a writer's block at the moment!

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