Chapter VII

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Rushing to get ready with Andrew in the room was nerve-wracking. Since Nate came back I felt paranoid all the time, the tension between him and I felt so real that I was convinced everybody could feel it, even Andrew.

"Where are we going?" I had asked Andrew quietly, trying to pick my clothes out, and he had just grunted a response while pulling out a regular white button down and slacks. What is his problem now?

I really didn't care to ask, but mostly because there would be an argument and the last thing I wanted was a spectacle while at dinner.

After showering quickly, mostly because I didn't want Andrew to get the wrong idea and jump in, and doing a quick makeup set on my face, I was jumping around to pull the navy-blue semi-formal dress on. It had a square neck that made my boobs look decent, short sleeves and a somewhat longish tail that looked just about perfect for an evening of dancing.

"Let me help you with that" I heard Andrew say after he was done fixing his black tie. I waved my hand dismissingly, but he wrapped his hand around my arm, and I ripped it off

"Stop touching me!" I whispered forcefully, and Andrew scowled.

"You're making this a bigger deal than it should" he said, and I finished zipping my dress up.

"I don't care" I said and snatched my small handpurse off the bed and walked towards the door.

"Where's your wedding ring?" he asked me,and I stopped in my tracks. Without turning, I raised my hand, and instead of giving him the middle finger I gave him my ring finger instead, sporting the magnificent diamond ring, then walked out of the room.

Not a good start for the evening.


Sitting on this round table was the most awkward thing I have experienced, and I know all about awkward. While getting seated, Alex had been so damn smart she had taken the seat next to Oliver instead of the one next to me, and the only seat left for Nate to seat was next to mine. Andrew did not like that whatsoever. So here I was, sitting between Andrew and Nate, and the air stank of pure testosterone.

To make things much better, as Andrew usually did, he had taken a liking in holding my hand on his lap, and as we were in public I couldn't do anything else aside from complying. Grinding my teeth, I was sipping my soup with my left hand, and cursing Andrew out with my brain.

"Darling, you look too skinny, you have to eat more" my mother was saying, and I didn't register what had happened until I heard Alex snort, saying how I had a better body than most models she worked with in London.


"No, no darling, you're starting to look sick!" my mom gasped, and I frowned, already starting to tick.

"Marcia, leave the child alone, love" my father said, rolling his eyes. My mother has always said I looked sick, but that was how I looked like always! I was skinny, it's not my fault she gave me her genes. What a pain with this woman.

I tried to take another spoonful of soup but my hands were shaking a bit so I had to put the spoon down and slowly pulled my hand away from Andrew's sweaty ones. Disgusting.

"Let the poor woman eat, Andrew" Alex laughed while she nibbled on a piece of bread and smiled at Oliver.

Nate cleared his throat and took a small sip of his drink.

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