Chapter XI

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The words weren't registering. I saw the woman, Kate, talk, I could see her lips moving. Then Nate was in front of me, and he looked like he was shouting at Kate.

I blinked a couple of times and realized what was happening.

"Leave. Now. I'll deal with you later" he shouting at Kate who just refused to go, shouting words in what I could recognize as Italian.

"No. I'm the one that's leaving" I found myself saying out loud. Nate turned in my direction quickly.

"No, she's leaving, you're staying" he said, his eyes going wide.

"You're engaged?" I said the words so low he seemed not to catch what I said.

"It's not what you think" Nate said, his hand reaching for me, but I stepped back and bumped his desk

"No? then what is this?" I heard Kate said loudly from behind Nate, and she raised her left hand and I saw the flashing diamond engagement ring. My eyes went back to Nate accusatorily.

"I can't believe you" I breathed the words out.

"Scarlett, please" Nate said, and I saw his Adam's apple bob.

"Was this a game to you this whole time?! How could you!" I said loudly, and side stepped him, but he blocked me from moving.

"Scarlett, please, let me explain-"

"No! You don't have to explain anything! This is bad enough, I don't need to know anything else" I rushed the words out and finally escaped from where Nate had me cornered. Kate used that chance to keep him from following me and I ran out.

I exited the office, leaving those two to yell at each other as I ran to the elevator. Running out of this office for what seemed like the tenth time made me realize something. We were screwed, and nobody could know anything.

I didn't have my driver with me, so I had to use a regular cab to move around. Fine by me. Anything that helped me blend in so I didn't have to deal with Nate. I didn't have my own place, I had no privacy, so I had nowhere to go.

So I found myself coming to a quiet little coffee shop and staying there for hours. My mind kept going back to last night. I had been with Nate, cheated on my husband, and in less than twenty-four hours found out he had been engaged this whole time. What is wrong with the world?

I combed my hair back for like the millionth time and pushed my coffee mug away from me.

My phone went off, once again.


I groaned and rolled my eyes, but deep down my heart was racing, and a thick lump in my throat kept me from talking so I preferred to just ignore the call, sending it to voicemail.

But then I got a text from Alex.


I frowned.

Two minutes later, Alex plopped into the seat in front of me and raised her eyebrows expectantly.

"Are you gonna keep ignoring me?" she asked and I sat back.

"How did you find me?" I asked breathless and Alex chuckled humorlessly and pointed to my phone on the table, making me frown.

"Cause you have your phone on Share location" she said and realization hit me.

"You've known where I've been this whole time?" I asked, snatching my phone from the table and going to my settings.

"Yup. My brother is sure turning into a very good liar, I'll give him that. I almost believed him if I didn't know better" she said, grabbing my forgotten coffee mug and taking a sip, then making an ugly face and pushing the mug away, sticking her tongue out in disgust.

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