Truth comes out

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After talking to my mother I went home and changed clothing. I put on a green dress with a matching hood. I decided that I needed to tell Athos what had truly happen and how it was my fault. I went to talk to them but I was told Athos had been killed. Tears streamed down my face as I pulled up the hood and covered my face. I went to talk to my mother and found she was responsible.

"He betrayed me! I thought your father loved me but he didn't instead he wouldn't listen to anything I said. Your father let his honor mean more than our love and he abandoned you. He deserved this." She said in anger.

"No he didn't mother." I said walking away.

As I walked away I saw D'art come up to us both. I covered my face and listened to their conversation. D'art looked at me and I looked away in hopes he wouldn't no it was me.

"Who is your friend?" D'art asked softly.

"She isn't a friend... she's my daughter." She said smiling softly at me.

He looked at me in shock as I turned away from them both. After awhile we learned Athos was alive. I watched my mother leave, leaving me alone with my friends.

"So who is Milady's friend?" Aramis asked smirking as he looked at me.

"This is her....daughter." D'art said shocked.

"How about she show us her face." Porthos said with a smile.

"Amelia.... is that truly you?" Athos asked in shock.

"Wait Amelia?" D'art asked walking over to me.

"You know that name?" Porthos asked.

"Yea.... take off your hood.... now." D'art said glaring at me.

I felt a tear fall from my eye as I removed my hood and looked at D'art.

"Hello D'artagnan." I said with a small smile.

"Lil.... why didn't you tell me?" He asked grabbing my arms.

I flinched as I remembered my uncles torture. He watched me flinch and removed his hands.

"I believed that it was better if no one knew her to be my mother....... I believed her to be dead and when I saw her I thought her to be a ghost and then..... I met my old mid-nurse and everything came flooding back..... my uncle.... my father.... and what I did." I said through tears.

"What are you talking about?" Athos asked confused.

"My uncle was a monster who I hope burns. I use to be forced to stay with him while my parents went to get their work done.... if I did the wrong thing he would take a whip to my back.... I would get five swings.... one day it became to much and I told my mother.... she confronted my uncle.... she killed him.... to protect me." I said through tears.

"If that man was alive I swear he wouldn't be for long." Porthos said in anger.

Athos looked at the ground and I felt tears fall down my face.

"I wanted to tell you....but I feared you would be mad at me..... after you told me what happen I tried to tell you but.... you where so depressed you kicked me out of your life." I said looking at him.

"How didn't I know..... I saw you everyday..... I knew some days you where in pain.... I should of known." He said looking down at me.

"I didn't let anyone.... I cared for you to much and I trusted my uncle and thought that he was trying to teach me a lesson." I said sadly.

"I am so sorry.... I should have never let him near you. I should of protected you." He said as he hugged me.

I froze up before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him back. I cried in his neck as I let all my fears out. After everything was over I went home and slept until I hear a knock on my door. I opened the door to see Porthos smiling at me. I let him inside and hugged him.

"It's good to see you." I said hugging him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked pulling away.

"Better now that you are here." I said smiling as I kissed his cheek.

"You missed." He said with a smirk.

"Did I? Where was I suppose to place my lips?" I asked with a smile.

"Here." He said kissing me.

I smiled as I pulled him closer and kissed him back. I pulled away after awhile and hugged him. I leaned my head against his chest and listened to his heart beat.

"So can we please tell everyone about us being a couple?" He asked with a laugh.

"I think you just did." A voice said behind Porthos.

I looked behind Porthos and felt a blush appear on my face as I saw everyone behind him. I hid my face in his chest as I grew more embarrassed.

"I feel hurt I wasn't the first one told.... don't you Athos?" Aramis asked with a smirk.

"Very." He said with a smile.

"You know I can hear the church bells ringing right now." D'art said with a laugh.

"Kill me." I whispered as they started to make jokes.

I smiled as I saw that everything with them was okay and we all where safe and sound. I soon moved in with Porthos and not long after the king and his wife had their son. A few days after I started to feel sick so I went to the doctor. They checked me over and after doing a few test the doctor let out a sigh.

"Well I need to ask..... when was your last cycle?" He asked with a frown.

"Um..... two months and a half ago." I said softly.

"I believe your pregnant and I would say that you have been for two months." He said softly.

"I'm.... pregnant? I can't be pregnant me and Porthos have never..... oh no." I said as reality hit me.

I was pregnant with Treville's child.

AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now