Chapter 6

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"Like me? Or like a Forgotten?" Marcie asked, her heart in her throat,

Gwinn answered for her husband, "He looked like all the stories told by the Traders did paint In the minds eye. He was tall, brown skinned an had golden hair which he kept short at the sides but long on top and tied back. He had blue eyes but his nose was like yours but bigger, his chin also, but his eyes were smaller and he had a small scar under the right one an..."

Marcie closed her eyes.

The scar, or course.

The one she had given him. When he and Breen used to practice outside Breens house and Breen had caught her watching and offered to teach her, Wyat had stood too close to the target and when her arrow went wide it nicked his cheek bone, he had been lucky to not lose an eye and she had been lucky to be so fast otherwise he would have caught her and given her such a hiding for he was very vain.

When Marcie opened her eyes, Gwinn was watching her closely,

"Yea know the boy" it was not a question but Marcie answered it anyway,

"I believe him to be my brother"

She felt tears gather behind her eyes but held them back. Dara quivered with rage at this unknown entity who caused her such pain.

Simeon looked surprised, "You are not searching for him then? You did not seem to know there had been another"

Marcie shook her head,

"I was not searching for him" her tone became bitter, "He is dead to me!"

Shocked silence followed.

Gwinn nudged Estelle out of the way and settled down next to Marcie. She patted her hand, "Why?" she asked kindly,

Marcie's voice wavered,

"He left me"

Gwinn glanced around at her children, "All o you get out" she commanded,

"It is dark, mother" Eva said softly, "you would not turn us out into the traitorous night, would you?"

"Bed then" she said, not to be deterred, "And I will hear if you stray from your rooms, so no nosing!"

Slowly and haughtily, all ten of her children slunk off up the stairs, she waited until she heard the last telltale creak of wood on the landing before she turned back to the girl.

"Tell us your story lass" she said softly, "We live on the edge of a Forest known for its mystery and strange goings on" she glanced at Simeon, "We have seen many manner of strange things and would like to know if there is anything to fear"

"There is nothing to fear" Marcie said,

"Then what has yea and your brother running from your home, from your people and why did both of yea present with the same sickness eh?"

Marcie shook her head, "The reason I ran away and why my brother ran away are very different"

She stared at the worn wood table top, "He ran away because he was selfish and sick of looking after my drunkard father, he thought to make a man of himself elsewhere, nothing aught hold him back. And so he left. And I took care of myself. And father."

"Then what happened?" Simeon asked,

"I...don't really know" Marcie said, turning her gaze to the crystal chandelier, watching the winking candles, "I kept going, then, within a year, everything changed"

She fell silent, considering her words. Whatever she said, it was the truth, not the whole truth but the truth,

"I changed, then my father died. The drink finally took him. And before I had fully grieved..." she breathed out slowly, "The village accused me of being a witch and tried to burn me"

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