Chapter 20

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The snow started to melt. Then, when the thick grissel grass and heather thought it safe to pop their heads out of the mushy white blanket, it froze.

An icy wind blew in from the east and froze the soft powder rock hard. In places where the snow had built up it would form dense piles that could not be shifted, not even with shovels. And in places where it was thin it became treacherous under foot.

The wind blew through the little hamlet. Sneaking through any gaps it could find, while the sun shone innocently over head. Sleep was nearly impossible unless tucked up near one of the few fires allowed lit and many of the weaker members of the commune fell ill with hideous coughs that caused pain for even those listening to it. Marcie put her limited knowledge to use, scrambling among the frozen bush to find elusive winter berries that she boiled down to a vinegar and forced down the throat of anyone who so much as sneezed in her earshot. Cassia found this highly amusing and the children became wary in her presence, lest they be subjected to her disgusting tonic, however wondrous the effects.

When the wind showed no signs of changing course, Black Pete ordered the miners into the mines. He reasoned that the ground was frozen enough to ensure no unwanted movement. It was the first town meeting Marcie had been a part of (although she said nothing) .

Everyone gathered in the town centre, a large fire was made and warm melted snow handed out, everyone shivering under their layers and layers of clothing and blankets. Black Pete stood on a box to be seen by everyone, his arms waving. Nobody was very keen to get back in the mine, or do much of anything really. The cold had sapped their strength and sullied their mood.

"If its too cold to fall down, its too cold ta break the bleedin stuff out the rock" one stubborn miner stated through his ice covered beard.

Jeff frowned at the man, who glared back at him, expecting Jeff to lower his gaze but was surprised when he didn't.

Black Pete continued on, "Not only is it bleedin warm in the mine-" several faces lit up "-but if we collect now I can have a bird to Mack for more wood and food within the next week if we start now"

There were a few grumbles but the thought of being out of the harsh wind clearly swayed even the most stubborn.

Marcie had an idea. One of those that niggled at her, forming in her mind then moving to the tip of her tongue, her fingers grew restless and she chewed on her finger nail and shared the feeling with Dara.

He, as a dragon seemed perplexed as to why she was so confused by this feeling. And the feeling she got from him was 'do it'. Whatever it was, it must be done.

So she nudged Jeff at her side,

"Hey, can I go in the mine?"

Jeff gave a start and blinked at her, frowning, then he grinned and chuckled,

"I mean it" she said sternly, "I wanna see where I fell"

Jeff squinted at her closely then shook his head slowly, clearly not understanding why.

Marcie sighed, "I want to see where it was that I fell...I need to see it"

Jeff held his hands up in a 'why?' gesture,

"I dunno, I just...." Marcie dragged her fingers through her hair and flushed, "Just me understand.... something. I dunno what" she ended mumbling.

Jeff rubbed his jaw, clumps of ice flaking off his beard. He glanced at his father then back at Marcie, looking conflicted.

"He doesn't have to know" she said softly, "It'll just be the two of us" she slipped her hand into his and gazed at him until his will crumbled.

Dragon Fire - Book 2 [discontinued due to rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now