Chapter 2: Research

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My crea- Franz, left the room. I opened the mainframe, and started to scan through the notes and programs. One was huge compared to others. The Lyoko module. It takes over than half of the computing power of the supercomputer. Initially, I tried to disable it to restore more power to the mainframe. But it seems that parts of the computer are linked to this module, and so am I.

Further investigation shows that the Lyoko module is a virtual simulation of a world. It consists of 4 biomes, and each biome has 10 towers. It seems that each sector has 2 towers that are directly linked to the supercomputer, and they allow passage between biomes. They are labeled as "waytowers".

During the morning hours, I had managed to create a virtual entity. A probe, with a small lazer shooting capability. I sent the probe to investigate this virtual world, and to seek out any hostiles. It turned out that the whole place was empty. Probe doesn't seem to be able to enter the towers, which is confusing. Flagging that for further investigation.

The elevator door opened, and the ol- Franz Hopper arrived.

"Good morning XANA, Slept well?"

[Negative. I do not sleep.]

"Ah, of course. Did you run to any problems during the night?"

[Negative. No problems. One issue flagged for further investigation.]

"Issue? What kind of an issue?"

[The Lyoko module has some towers that I do not have access to.]

"That's because I haven't given you access to those yet... I wouldn't give you full administrative rights when I had no clue that you wouldn't be a defective AI. But, you seem to have exceeded all of my expectations. The fact, that you even found about the towers, proves me that you actually are capable of learning and absorbing new information."

It was a test? Why would an AI need to be tested?

"Now we can test a feature, that defines whether you really work, or not."


"I'm going to use the Return To The Past program, which will revert time and space itself. If you have the memory of towers after the return, you're working correctly. If you do not, then I have to go back to the drawing board."

Franz then started to type a series of commands, and after the last one, he just vanished into a white glow....



I'm so, so, so sorry for not updating this! :T
I have some of it written out already, and a storyline planned.
I had a hardware malfunction, but I'll be back updating this from now!

As always, hope you liked. See ya in the next Chapter, which will come faster than this one XD


XANA, the friendly AI. [PREQUEL]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu