Chapter 4: The_Un-named

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It's been eight hours, and Franz still hasn't shown up. This could be another one of his tests, testing if I'm a mindless drone. I shall prove him wrong, by continuing on my task. 

Materialize, Hornet. Success. This should make surveying the world faster and more efficent. Actually, now is a great time to test out the sector alteration program. Materialize, Probe. I should rename the Probe, to avoid running into issues later on.
Rename Probe → Kawa. Kawa, defeat Hornet. Hornet, avoid getting shot.
Hornet started dodging the lasers behind trees, but Kawa quickly took notice of this, and started to predict where Hornet would hide to.

After five minutes of shooting, Kawa managed to flank Hornet, and got a clear shot, dematerializing Hornet. Rematerialize, Hornet. These virtual entities are too simple to experience feelings, but they do possess free thought. That should be useful, given free thought also gives the capability to solve problems. Now, for the actual test.

Executing Sector Alteration Program. I'll create a labyrinth, and make Hornet guide Kawa through it. Labyrinth done. Kawa, your objective is to get to the other side of this obstacle. Now we shall see if they can cooperate without input. At first, Kawa tried to bump and shoot through walls, but soon realized that is not the way. After some dead-ends, Hornet started hovering above the labyrinth. And moved slowly, making sure Kawa followed it. In seconds, Hornet had guided Kawa out of the labyrinth, without anyone telling it to do so. And Kawa had understood it was helping it. Previous hypothesis confirmed, virtual entities with free thought are capable of cooperation. Dematerializing, Hornet and Kawa. I need a place to store this useful data. As my internal memory will run out eventually, I'll need a storage for my data. Since Lyoko Module takes most of the space, it would come to reason to take advantage of that. Execute Annex, scan the module for free space.



I'm a slow updater, but I'll try to make it worth it :D

And yes, I did use the name for the Kankrelat that Immudelki uses in his Lyoko Conquerors.
Therefore, I do not own Kawa, but I couldn't let the perfect name for it to be un-used.
(If Immu feels like I shouldn't use it, I'll change it.)

That being said, we're slowly getting towards the big twist that we all know.
Virtualization of Franz Hopper and Aelita Schaeffer.

Stay tuned for that :D


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