Chapter Thirteen

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Amir felt a cool hand on his forehead.

"Laila," he mumbled, reaching up to cover her hand with his. "I've really missed you."

"Shhh," she said, stroking his cheek.

"I'm worried. I might fail. I might not fulfill my mission."

"Don't worry, love. You are the best soldier alive. Nothing can stop you."

He longed to bury his face in her side, to wrap his arms around her lush body and pull her close. She was his equal in so many ways. She understood his desire to be the best, to conquer all. She more than understood. She rejoiced in his victories. He would fight a thousand battles to please her.

"I am not so sure. These men, they are just so—unprofessional. Asa does not trust me, although he should. I am the best chance this man has to rid the Americans from this territory."

She cupped his face in her hands. She was the only person alive who was allowed to touch him this way.

"Don't fret, my love. You will do what you need to do." She smoothed his beard, grooming the stray hairs the way she always did just before she was about to kiss him.

Then she leaned down, so close he could smell her jasmine perfume.

"Wake up," she whispered, her lips so close it felt like they were sharing the same air.

His eyes opened. It was dark in the place where he was. For a moment, he felt out of sorts. His head was pounding, his mouth dry. He turned his head to look for light.

"You're awake," said a voice.

It took a moment for Amir's eyes to adjust. Out of the shadows stepped Asa. Despite the dimness of the room, Amir could make out his expression.

Asa looked shaken. "We thought you might die."

"It was a wound to the shoulder. It takes more than that to kill me."

"You were out cold. You lost so much blood. The doctor had to cauterize your wound."

The pain in Amir's shoulder awoke. He looked over at Asa. "How long have I been out?"

"Two hours. It is nearly midnight."

Damn. Two hours wasted by weakness. Eager to move again, Amir stood up. He felt a little dizzy, but once he ate something, he would be fine. He needed to get to the place where the American was. He didn't know the names of the kids he had visited, but something in his gut told him these were the kids the American had spoken of, if only because she had not mentioned parents. Orphans were common in Afghanistan these days, but it was rare for a boy and girl to live together by themselves. It was a long shot, but if he was right, it would pay off extremely well. And he was always right. Usually.

Asa looked unhappy.

"What is the matter with you? I'm alive," Amir said, looking around for his rifle. "I need a vehicle. And Resa, if you can spare him."

"I can't spare him. We need him here."

"Fine, whatever. Give me someone else."


Amir stopped what he was doing and looked at Asa. The chubby man looked tired, but determined. Under different circumstances, Amir would have been impressed. "No? Why the hell not?"

"We are going to launch an attack."

"Really? On what?"

"The American base."


"My leaders have told me to do this. It's payback for the last raid. And we need to send a message to the countryside. Our man inside says the Americans are gearing up to go back out soon. So there will be less of them to deal with."

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