Fast Food Restaurants

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I hope this makes sense because I have noticed this happening for a really long time, but I did not know how to write it.

Fast food is according to Wikipedia "A fast food restaurant, also known as a quick service restaurant within the industry, is a specific type of restaurant that serves fast food cuisine and has minimal table service"

Fast food restaurants are available everywhere, and can usually be worth billions of dollars due to the regular customers they have every day. I never noticed this before, but recently I had been noticing somethings about them. 

People who do not eat from fast food restaurant, never get cravings for it. However people who have had it, even once, crave it every single day. It is like as if something in their brain, a chemical or something, is making them want this food, even if they do not want it. Even the scent of the food, can make them want to buy food. 

There has to be something put inside the food, or atmosphere which keeps making the customers come back for more. Like, all my life I had not had McDonalds, however I had some once a couple weeks ago because it was the only thing available, and i ended up going back for more for a few weeks after. It was all I craved, and it felt like I needed to eat it at times. However once I completely stopped myself from having it, I realised that I was not craving it anymore, and that I did not even want to have it. Not only that but my friend who will eat fast food twice a day, wants to stop but she mentally and physically is not able to stop herself from going and eating McDonalds, which made me think.

What if they add some chemical or something which triggers your brain into wanting more. 

It makes a lot of sense seeing as in order to continue the business, they need customers, so why wouldn't they do things to keep those customers. 

I hope this makes sense. 

So, what do you guys think? Do you believe this? Or do you have a explanation for all this? Leave all your thoughts below.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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