Part 2

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When we arrive back onto our territory I make my way to my room and snuggle into the soft sheets, Javier choosing to accompany Ivan to the Alpha's quarters as he is too giddy with excitement and wants to start arranging a ball for Yanamarie and Jarrell as a farewell.

It took Ivan four days to organize everything and I am rather impressed with how the pack house and yard turned out. We had moved all the furniture from the living room and used the space to spread out all the foods and drinks.

We got the yard turned into a makeshift dance floor and it was spectacular! The material they used was flawless and would turn out great for the evening.

As I descend the stair case at the pack house I am a bit nervous. I took extra care with how I dressed for this party hoping that Javier would take notice of me at least tonight.

My heart stutters in my chest as I see Javier in his tuxedo standing at the bottom of the stair case, a small smile on his lips and an appreciative gleam in his eyes.

As I slowly take the steps down to him his smile grows the closer I get.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Luna." I freeze as Luna Ivan steps past me and take Javier's outstretched hand.

Shame burn my face as two warrior wolves snicker at my embarrassment. Every wolf in this pack knows how Javier feels for Ivan and I being the unfortunate one to be mated with Javier only make good gossip and fodder for me to be humiliated day in and day out by other pack members.

I pretend not to hear them. I pretend as if my heart doesn't hurt like a thousand knives are stabbing at the organ over and over again.

I slowly make my way around the party and finally settle on a seat with a good view of the dance floor and of the entrance of the party. I watch as Javier fawns all over Luna. Making sure he eats and drinks. He even dances with him for the entireness of the party leaving me utterly alone and the laughing stock of the pack as other wolves glance from me to Javier with knowing smirks.

"Abalon!" I hear someone call my name and I look in the direction it came from.

Yanamarie is waving wildly at me as she shoves her way through the crowd to my side. She looks absolutely stunning in her gown.

"Hello Yana." I greet her standing and kissing her cheek.

"Dance with me?" she asks excitedly as Say Something by Christina Aguilera and Great Big World begins playing. Quite a fitting song I think as I glance at Javier practically spoon feeding Ivan.

"No!" I say quickly and search for an exit but Yana isn't having any of that, oh no, the little twig grabs onto my arm like an angry pit bull and drags me out to the edge of the dance floor.

Yana is a dancer, a ball room dancer to be more precise. Though she has the potential to become a professional she loves medicine more and dance became her hobby. Too bad her mate Jarrell can't dance for shit, although he has improved a lot since last I saw him attempt the dance floor.

I too, like Yana have a love for ball room dancing. I love everything about it and Yana and I often pair up once or twice a month. Nobody other than Yana and the dance instructor I swore to secrecy knows about my love of dance.

I tug on Yana's arm bringing us to a halt and beg her silently with my eyes.

"Please Aba? For me? You know we won't get this opportunity until three years to come." she says pouting.

"Fine. But you will owe me." I say tritely as I lead us the remainder of the way to the floor. Ugh! She's just like her brother, I can't ever say no to them nor can I withhold anything from them.

As I take her in my arms a beautiful Viennese Waltz begins and Yana smirks at me.

"Oh don't think I'd dance like a stripper for my last night here." Yana laughs as I turn us gaining a few others' attention and they make way for us clearing the dance floor almost completely.

Yana and I dance, I twirl and spin her, throw her up and catch her as the tempo of the music changes and pretty soon we're sambaing then tangoing gaining applauds and whistles from the onlookers.

As I spin Yana out and pull her back in we strike a pose and her mate Jarrell approach us and I take both Yana's little hands in mine.

I give her a sad smile and pull her in for a hug, maybe it is more for my comfort seeing as Javier is so wrapped up in kissing Luna's feet he never once glanced my way since the party started.

"I will miss you sweet girl. Be safe and return to us." I kiss the backs of both her hands and bow to her. My show of respect to her.

I hang around for a few moments and covertly watch Javier interact with Ivan. If only Alpha knows the hate I have for Ivan: that he can command such feelings from my mate I would surely be killed for such violent thoughts.

Do not get me wrong, Ivan is a very nice person, a wonderful Luna and a great friend to all. But seeing the way my mate acts and treats him, with all the love and attention he doesn't show me makes me think disturbing things.

Sometimes I wish he would just reject me than have me suffer in such a way.

I think maybe I'm better off dead than live in constant pain and heart ache.

And it's that last thought that scares and excites me more than anything ever could.

And it's that last thought that scares and excites me more than anything ever could

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