With You #4

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I met you again after few days later in a restaurant. You were wearing waiter outfit. I guess you were working as waiter since your father passed away. You took my order and talked a bit. I was happy because you talked to me but at the same time, I was sad because your face aren't bright like the first time we met.

You told me that you already moved my neighbourhood because your family were kicked out from house. Now, you lived with mother and younger brother.

I collected my courage to ask when your shift ended. You shyly replied another hour left. Then, I invited you to walk home together and you agreed.

It was fun, i admitted. You're funny and spontaneous. We talked a lot during our walk. You asked me if i wanted to be your friend. I said i would. Who wouldn't? You're the best person i've talked so far after my mom and Minseok-hyung, of course.

It was one of the best night in my entire life.

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