Here I am...

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Y/N POV: I sat down slowly, nervous as to what Amara had been talking about. Chuck didn't look nervous, more expecting, as if he knew that I would ask this question at one point or another. 

   "Chuck? What is Amara talking about?" Chuck just gave me that same old smile, the one that told a thousand stories gathered up over millions of years. I felt my body shiver, there was something in those cloudy eyes that told horrific stories of bloody deaths and screaming people. 

   "You're doing it now," was all Chuck had to tell me for me to snap out of my thoughts. 

   "Doing what?" I tried to understand what he was telling me, I felt my face start to burn. Amara laughed beside me, like something humorous had crossed her thoughts. I looked over to her, seeing a confident smile reach her lips. I opened my mouth, about to question why she was laughing at me, but Chuck coughed awkwardly and I grasped reality again.

   "Not appropriate right now, Amara," Chuck chided his sister, and once again, I wondered what had caused her humorous reaction. 

   "Sorry, sorry," her face still held the same look, and I unintentionally sent a glare her way. 

   "So, Y/N, I guess this should be the time to tell you what you are," my head went back a bit, and my eyebrow shot up in a query. "Yes, you are human, but a different type. It's like the same genus, but a different species," I vaguely remembered learning about all of the taxonomy categories in class, but my mind tended to wander. 

   "What am I then?" What better question was there to ask? My mother had forgotten about me hours ago, and now I had to learn to live with the fact that I'm not really a normal human.

   "You're an experimental stage of human life that I tested out millions of years ago. You may refer to them as 'psychics' or 'prodigies', but they are a completely different type," Chuck had his hands folded like a father telling his young children that "mommy is pregnant."

   "So, I'm psychic?" 

   "Well, maybe that wasn't the best example. Many psychics are fake or lie to make themselves look better. My type of psychics have powers beyond most human comprehension," Chuck nodded to himself, seemingly deciding that that analogy was better. 

   "What's my power?" I was cautious yet eager. Could I fly? Did I have telepathy? Could I    possibly have the power of mind control?

   "Your intuition," Chuck smiled, and I knew at that point that he read mind and realized how mellow dramatic my power was in comparison to what I had originally thought.  

   "My intuition?" My voice dripped in the question and the sarcasm that came with it.

   "Yes, the powers of your mind have many advantages over other humans. Sure, other humans can lift things with their mind or have an IQ over 200, but you can read people," I had known for many years that I was a bit... Strange when it came to that topic. I could see right through people, and even call when a person was lying about the time of day something in their lives happened. But that's normal, isn't it?

   "Not really," I jumped out of my thoughts, forgetting that he could read minds. It was almost as if months of time had passed and I had suddenly forgot important details of something that happened that same day... (Weird... A/N)

   "Well, I mean yeah, it's weird that I can call bull crap on people who lie about specific details in their lives, but many people have the power of intuitions," Chuck smiled and nodded.

   "Yes, that is true. But that admirable quality originated with you. I decided that maybe, even though intuition is a power that may seem mellow dramatic," Chuck winked at me, "it is still an important quality. Especially with mothers, mothers can easily sense their children's pain or sadness, and that quality all comes from you, Y/N," I looked at him with a confused smile. Amara even laughed again.

   "Okay, what is so funny?" I finally asked her. She looked to me and laughed,

   "I have seen many things in your mind, you are quite the character," I blushed again. Why did mind reading have to be so prominent in omnipresent beings?

   "Eh, we try not to question it," Chuck just laughed at my annoyed stare. "But, as I was saying, I originally gave that quality to you. When I was creating you, I knew that something had to be different, something extraordinary, so I created a whole new feeling and word for you. That may not seem like much, but back when the universe was only an infant, it was extremely important," I smiled softly.

   "So, when you create people and animals, does it just depend on what time you think is right to release them to the world? Or do you have a whole weird system?" I was confused, but I think I knew the answer. Maybe that was my intuition escaping my understanding.

   "Well, I try my best to keep track of everybody, and the truth is, some concepts of humans get misplaced. So, truthfully I was supposed to release William Shakespeare to the world 100 years earlier than I did. But instead, I accidentally let Thomas Magnus be born. Oh well, you live and you learn," Chuck just shrugged it off like it was normal for these things to happen.

   "Yeah, can't relate to that on a human level," I laughed a bit, feeling more at ease with this situation.

   "Anyways, Thomas Magnus was a great diplomat, and I can't really imagine HIM being the great poet instead of William," I nodded, thinking about learning about Sonnet written by Thomas Magnus. It just didn't have a good ring to it.

   "So is there a rhyme or a reason that you pick out special humans, brother?" It was now Amara's turn to ask a question. Chuck just shrugged again.

   "At this point, I let my intuition decide what's best," I let out a belly laugh for the first time in forever.


I'm back guys! And hopefully, I'll make regular-ish updates from now on. In truth, I kind of just let my fingers fly across the keys with this chapter. I felt something within just kind of type away. 

I'm still okay guys, thank you for all of the support. I just want to give you something good in return... So I hope this new chapter will suffice!

<3 I love you guys <3

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