The Games of Gabriel

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Y/N POV: New days meant new stresses, at least in my case. Every day that I woke up in my mother's house was a living nightmare, but the Bunker seemed safer and more secure. That combined with the fact that I wasn't living with abusive people anymore, so yeah, I felt a lot more safe. 

   Rising from sleep had always been an easy thing for me to do, as I wanted to get out of my mother's house as fast as I possibly could. Now, all I did was roll over and fall asleep again. I actually did this quite a few times, to the point where I wasn't tired anymore. When I grabbed my phone to check the time, I felt my heart jump out of my skin, 1 PM?! 

   "Nonononononono," I kept mumbling to myself, feeling my body maneuver clothes on. Once I ran out of my door, dressed and teeth brushed and nothing in my bladder, I felt relieved to see Gabe sitting by the kitchen counter not too far away from my room. 

   "What's the rush, kiddo? You have a date or something?" Gabe didn't even look in my direction to talk to me, but I could still see his smirk from the side of his face. 

   "Ha! In my dreams," I only had one previous boyfriend/girlfriend, and from that experience, I didn't want to date any time soon. "Where are the others?" It seemed like a valid question, but Gabriel scoffed. 

   "What? Did you not want to hang out with me or something?" Gabe faced me now, and even with his eyebrow quirked and shit-eating grin, I could see withheld feelings in his eyes. Oh, now that was my intuition for sure.

   "I didn't say that, I was just curious," I chuckled when Gabe seemed surprised with my answer. 

   "Well, Lucifer is out doing some 'quick business in hell,'" Gabe put air quotes around 'quick business in hell,' and even did an impression that was utter crap, but still funny, "Samsquatch, Deano and Cassie are out hunting now, and-" 

   "What do you mean hunting? Are they going to get food or something?" At this question, Gabriel barked a laugh that sounded genuine.

   "No no, hunting for Sam and Dean means that they go out and kill monsters," I shook my head quickly and my eyes widened at that statement. Monsters? Well, with what I've experienced, what with meeting the personification of Light and Dark and all, real-life monsters shouldn't be too hard to believe.

   "So do they save people from those monsters, or is it just for sport?" Once again, Gabriel laughed, but this time it sounded sadder.

   "Kiddo, if it were for sport, they wouldn't be out and meeting the Devil every now and again," he explained to me.

   "You never know," I smirked at him, causing Gabe to smile.

   "That's very true. With the world of trouble that Sam and Dean get themselves into, it would only make sense that big bro Luci would come around every now and again," I just nodded, letting that sink in. So there were actual monsters in this world? Okay, I guess I could deal with that. I had grown up pretty lenient with religion, so meeting God and his angels wasn't as big of a deal as many people would make it out to be. But monsters? Like mythical creatures? That was something that I was a bit afraid to touch on.

   "So when do you think they'll be back?" 

   "Oh!!" Gabe exclaimed in a loud voice.

   "Ah!" I was quite taken aback by his exclamation.

   "The Three Musketeers told me to give you this," Gabe handed me a hand-written note with very nice writing upon it.

   "Y/N, we'll be gone for the next few days, maybe a week or so. I'm sure that the others can take care of you, and if you need to, you can also call Castiel if you need him. He doesn't have a cellphone, so call using the old fashioned way, (praying.) If you need anything else at all, don't hesitate to call ###-####. Dean tells me to write not to call too much, because it might get in the way of hunting. So Chuck is also one prayer away." 


   The prayer part definitely made me beam, as I knew that I would be heard regardless of who was listening. 

   "Was it a nice note or...?" I snapped out of my thoughts, feeling myself tether to reality again.

   "Just a normal note, but Sam told me to pray to Cas or Chuck if I needed anything," Gabe threw a hand over his chest dramatically.

   "Oh! I'm hurt! However will you be able to reach me if you can't pray to me? It seems that the boys still haven't forgiving me for Tuesday," I cocked my head to the side in question, what happened on Tuesday?

   Gabriel seemed to have read my thoughts, as he quickly answered with a, "Long story, you probably don't want to listen," I just nodded, saving that conversation for another day.

   "Sooooo," I swayed back and forth on my feet, waiting to figure out what we were going to do today. I'm not very good at making decisions, so this conversation would not be my strong suit.

   "Ya hungry, Y/N?" Gabriel just looked up at me, obviously waiting for a response.

   "Well, not rea-" At that same time, my stomach betrayed me, growling at my lies. Gabriel just laughed, standing up from the counter.

   "You don't have to lie, kiddo, I'm a decent cook. Millions of years on Earth with nothing to do leads you to work on some pretty creative hobbies," I just nodded, knowing that the Messenger of God probably knew what he was talking about.

   "Thanks," I said sheepishly.

   "What'll it be? Breakfast? Lunch? Dare I say, brunch?" I smiled a bit at his tom foolery. 

   "Maybe just some lunch. A sandwich would suffice," Gabe nodded to me before slamming his hands down on the table in a joking manner.

   "I didn't come down here and learn culinary arts for 100 years for you to tell me to make a sandwich!" I put my hands up in defense, surrendering to the archangel.

   "Fine, fine, okay! A sandwich with fries," I swear, if Gabe rolled his eyes any higher, he would see his vessel's brain.

   "What kind of fries?" At this moment I knew, I was playing right into the games of Gabriel.


     Not really a necessary chapter, but I like it anyways. I hope you guys do too! Also, thank you so much for getting Sight to 40K readers! That's so awesome! I know that I say this a lot, but I don't deserve you guys! You're such awesome people and should read even awesomer stories! xD No but really, I love each and every one of you guys!

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