Chapter 4: Escape

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2 weeks Later......

I woke up and decided today was going to be the day I did it...I was going to escape there is no doubt about it I had been planning this for days...I had 3 plans.

Plan A: Pretend I was deathly ill and allow him to take me to the hospital and let them figure out what was wrong with me and escape then when he wasn't looking.

Which I knew I had to cross out it was out of the question...I knew he wasn't stupid so he would catch on pretty quick.

Plan B: Try to escape through the vents. Which could work if I had a screwdriver and a good place to hide it....the best time would be in the morning when he's taking a shower and he does his long hair care and styling routine — no he is far from gay clearly but when it came to his hair and the way he was perceived he was very anal.

But I knew that could be really successful if I had the tools I needed which I didn't but then again I could use a knife....

Then there is Plan C —.

Which me personally I think is brilliant....find something to argue about get really angry and emotional...have him get angry and emotional and then he releases I said BRILLIANT!

So since Plan C was the only plan that actually stood a chance I would go with that...Operation Escape, Plan C — was a go!

"What are you thinking about?"
He says walking from the kitchen with my food in hand.

"I'm thinking of why on earth would you kidnap me, I haven't done anything wrong towards you, I don't even know you and why you would rape me!?!!!???"

With this he was stunned these entire 2 weeks and 2 days I had never questioned any of this out loud...if I did it wasn't like this.

"You kidnapped me from my friends, you took me from my job, my family, and my life, you raped me..tied me up and you don't even care!'re a soulless monster...I hate you!"

This much was true but I had never said I hated anyone...and maybe I did feel an exceeding amount of anger towards him but look what he did to me!

I wanted to take some of it back...even though I wanted it to hurt and I wanted to be free...a part of me knew that what I said was wrong but I couldn't take it back I was too far gone....he was looking at me with anger, shock and sadness...but I didn't care...I kept going.

"You're the worst person I've ever known...all you care about is yourself the only person that cares for you is you!...I hate you and I want you to leave me alone...don't touch me or talk to me or even look at me again.



And this time I practically spit it at him....I did hate what he did, but I never meant to say all of this it just came out.

Like a water running from the faucet...I could have sworn I saw a tear fall and then he masked it with anger..and I knew I was in for it.

(Alex P.O.V)
She had went overboard I was fuming my head may have burst open if it could have...I am going to let her have it....who the f*** does she think she is...Mrs. F*** ing perfect....I don't f***ing think so...

Abducted By LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon