Chapter 18: Win or Lose...

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2 weeks later

Colin has been trying to contact me every since I told him off the other day. Of course I've ignored his "conquests" truth is I do not want to talk to him right now. It doesn't matter how much he wants to talk to me or how many messages he send or voicemails he leave or even the amount of a flowers he exchange everyday in front of my door. If I am going to say anything to him it will be on behalf of those flowers.

So that those flowers won't needlessly have to die.

Colin comes back this time 2 hours later and knocks on my door. I regrettably open it, as he just stands there I gesture for him to come in as he walks in I sit on the couch where this all started.

"Alice, allow me to explain — okay?"

I don't say anything so he continues to talk.

"The way I acted when you told me the way you felt was unforgivable and completely asinine and I deeply apologize. What I really meant to say was I liked you too I just didn't feel like things would work out, with you having another man's child and me not sure if I'm over my ex — which I completely am. I did not want to further confuse myself nor did I want you getting hurt for a decision I made and couldn't stick with, but I want you to know I feel the same way about you I have from the moment you told me off in that elevator."

I didn't know what to say as he said all of this, all I knew was I couldn't believe my ears...

"Wha — I do not understand, you were so sure you just wanted to be friends. H-h-how did this h-happen?"

"It just did Alice I been knew it happened, but I just wasn't sure if I was over my ex, I never loved her, not the real way. I thought I loved her but I didn't it's wasn't real love. This — the way I feel right now — standing in the front of you, understanding that there has never been or will ever be a more beautiful woman to me than you are, I know this because you are the only woman I want to wake up next to in the morning and go to sleep with at night, you are the only woman I want to yell at me for not getting the right type of soap for your skin or watch walk around in sweatpants — I love you Alice — I love you!"

I have never dreamed of a more perfect moment, nor have I ever seen such a perfect moment in all the romance movies I've seen, all I could do was cry.

"Alice, are you okay?"

"Yes I am perfect."

"Good, cause you probably need to say something."

"Oh, right! I'm so sorry — I love you too Colin! I didn't think after what happened with Alex I would be able to say that again for a while and then we met and got to know each other and you really took stepping in someone's foot to a whole new level, I dm do glad I met you, cause that brought us to this moment right here. I - love - you!"

As I say those words he comes and he kisses me so hard and needy until I feel weak in my knees, I almost fall but he catches me. All I can feel in my stomach is butterflies and nausea, Colin made me unbelievably happy, yes he did make me angry sometimes but I love him. I know you're thinking I felt the same way about Alex, don't get me wrong I do love Alex but not the way I love Colin.

I love Colin with every breath I have, he completes me. This feeling wasn't just sudden I felt it the moment we begin to start having sex, if was this illuminating feeling. Like I won the lottery or I won an extravagant trip to Paris.

Of course if Alex wants to see his child or visit he will be able to otherwise if it's not about our child we are done. I love him still but only as my child's father, because he gave me the most important thing on this earth and that's this baby continually growing everyday.

After we talked for hours on the couch lying in each other's arms we fell asleep right there.

1 week later

"Alice, your friends are ready to meet me let's go!"

I chuckle as he pretend to be mad at me for making us late, considering I am turning into a balloon and I have to pick which maternity outfit I want to wear, where I don't look like a grandma. Finally settled with a nice salmon colored blouse and black and white striped khakis that stretched at the waist, then I wore my black adidas that I got for Christmas as a present.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready babe."

"Good! I thought I would have to wait a whole millennium."

I chuckle and so does he.

"Don't forget I'm pregnant you know, so I can't move as quick as you can and because I don't have my normal body right now I have to pick from my maternity clothes I bought. So I was really struggling."

He laughed so hard his face turned blue.

"Can't imagine it...."

"Well we will see who's laughing when you're in the delivery room with me watching a baby come out of my vagina. We'll see if that funny."

I laugh so hard imagining him standing behind the doctor as he tells me to push watching the baby's head come from a small hole.

"Laugh all you want, but I'm tougher than you think, I've got skills that are unheard of darlin' just you wait."

"Okay, lets go because with all this talk you're turning me on and you know how easy that is for me especially with all theses hormones I have coursing through my veins right now with this baby."

I walk out the door as I say the last part. He quickly follows behind me.

"Well let's hurry up and meet your friends so we can get back to what I started."

He says as he winks at me and licks his lips. Oh my goodness he is so sexy, how did I end up with an amazing guy like him. He holds doors all the time, drives all the time, buys me roses every chance he gets, is so romantic, sits and watches movies that I like just to watch my reaction through the whole movie, he's honest and I can trust him.

"What are you thinking about?"

He says as he drives to our destination.

"You, how lucky I am to have you by my side."

"I'm lucky to have you Alice, so lucky to have you."

He says as he smiles as holds and squeezes my hand.

I haven't talked to my friends about any of this so this will all be new to them. I'll have to tell them about Alex while Colin is next to me, the definition of awkward, cause I know they'll have a ton of questions. Either way I just have to be prepared to tell them, you would think three days before I would have prepared something but I didn't goes nothing.

I am just happy I get to do all of this with Colin by my side.

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