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He was standing there, about three feet away from her. She was still frozen in place and he though she couldn't look anymore beautiful with her hair down.

Brooklyn was still shocked that he even managed say her name or get her attention. She turned around but he rushed to her side.

"Hey, how are you?" He asked.

"As well as I can be. What do you think?" She glared at him.

"Look, I want us to sit down and talk. Can you meet me tomorrow afternoon? Please? I just want to apologize. I'm a changed person now." she cut him off.

"Then don't apologise. We are done. Stay away from me please. Just leave me alone." Brooklyn replied. She was on the verge of tears, not wanting to think of that life she had lived for many years. 

She turned around only to bump on to another person.


"Dr Hastings? Well, it's sure a small world." He mused, not seeing Brooklyn's face.

Brooklyn cleared her throat as to not sound like she was choking because she felt like she was.

"It is indeed." She said picking out some packets chips.

When she distracted herself, Dylan knew that something was wrong. She didn't look at him as to acknowledge him. He found himself concerned for her.

"Hey, are you okay?" He stood in front of her but still, she wouldn't look at him. He lifted her chin so she would look at him and what he saw broke his heart. Her eyes were filled with so much hurt even though she tried conceal it. Dylan wished he could wipe it all away. They stared at each other for a little while until Brooklyn pulled away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking, that's all." She replied. "I- I should probably head back. Lisa and Michael will be wondering what's taking me so long." She turned her trolley and left him standing there, puzzled.


"I'm back!" Brooklyn announced to the lovebirds who were already cuddling on the couch. Wow, they were moving fast, she thought.

Lisa stood up to help Brooklyn dish up while Michael poured the drinks.

"So, what took you so long?" Lisa suddenly asked. Brooklyn was surprised because she thought they would've appreciated the time together without her.

"Oh nothing. Just a little bit of traffic." She shrugged nonchalantly. She hoped that Lisa wouldn't push this subject while Michael still here and thankfully she didn't.

They ate and they decided to watch a movie but Michael left telling Lisa that he was going to see her tomorrow evening.

"So tomorrow huh?" Brooklyn said with a smug smile.

"Yeah. Just going on a date, no biggie," she said, blushing.

"Oh come on! No biggie? You are going out with a guy you've been in love with for like 6 months now!" Brooklyn exclaimed.

"Okay, fine. It is a big deal," Lisa admitted.

"So? Aren't you going to tell me what happened while I was away?" Brooklyn urged.

Lisa started with the whole story from when she heard Michael coming in and to the point when he asked her out. "He stood there and I could tell he wad nervous then he went on his knees like he was proposing and my heart stopped right there! I mean, who does that?! I thought he was actually proposing and I was going to immediately say yes!...is that crazy that I want to marry him already? Am I a weirdo for thinking that?" Lisa babbled on and Brooklyn just listened.

"No Lisa. But just take it slowly please. Don't rush into this until you've prayed about it and you have the go ahead from God Himself." Brooklyn replied.

Brooklyn suggested that they prayed right now and Lisa agreed.


Dylan went home confused after seeing Brooklyn like that. She looked like wounded child but covered it quickly.

Dylan felt really bad for her, for whatever she was going through.

He arrived at his aunt's house/his house too.

"Did you bring desert Dylie?" His aunt Ann asked.

"Yes, I did. There was a strawberry cheesecake and a chocolate cake but I chose the cheesecake just because it is your favorite." He smile at his aunt.

He had lived with his aunt since he was 17.

His aunt couldn't have children also and asked if one of her sister's children could come stay with her for while after her husband died. Dylan took up that chance and he's been living with her for about 10 years.

"Come, let's say Grace. I'm starving." Anne ushered him to the dining room.

They prayed and began digging in.

"So, how is therapy going?" Ann asked.

"It's going well. Dr H is helping me." Dylan replied, it wasn't technically a lie because she was helping him by keeping his life fun although half of the time she was annoyed with him.

"That's his name?" Ann inquired with raised eyebrows.

"It's a she, aunt. She. Her name is Dr Hastings but I don't know her first name yet since I don't hang out with her." He explained.

"Oh that's cool. You should invite her sometime. Maybe get to know her better," she suggested very slyly.

"Whoa! Slow down. I can't just invite her. She's just my shrink." Dylan quickly replied even though he did want to invite her.

He wanted to see Dr.Hastings out of her work place.  He wanted to get to know her, see what made her look so sad when he saw her.

He felt like he needed to protect her. From what? He didn't know but he knew he needed to.

He felt God urging him to.


Hey guys!
So I changed Lisa's name. It used to be Lindy, so if you see where Lindy is mentioned instead of Lisa, just let me know. I've tried editing that part but I might have missed somewhere.

Anyways, thank you for reading my story!
Updates might be slow sometimes but don't worry. I will update.


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