Chapter Two

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The following day, Ginny Weasley hurried down the damp steps that led to the lower dungeons of Hogwarts School where her Potions class was held. She knew she was extremely late and probably going to be heavily punished by Professor Snape, her least favorite teacher, because of it.

It wasn't exactly her fault though. Peeves, the horrible poltergeist who drifted around the school wrecking havoc everywhere he went, had decided he had wanted to play a little game of throwing random objects at a group of second year students in the hall. Ginny, being a prefect for Gryffindor, had found it her duty to help get the frightened students out of the way and restore order. Unfortunately, Peeves had started throwing objects at her and now she was twenty minutes late because of it.

Cursing Peeves under her breath as she sprinted down the long, dark corridor leading to class, Ginny didn't notice the figure leaning against the wall until he called out to her.

"A little late aren't you, Weasley? Did you get lost or were you drooling over your precious Potter once more?" The drawling voice of Draco Malfoy echoed slightly in the empty hall.

Ginny came to a stop and quickly whipped around to see Draco pushing himself off of the wall, arms crossed over his chest, his grey eyes glinting maliciously and his trademark smirk on his face.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" she spat, deeply annoyed at the moment and not in the mood for his taunting.

Draco raised his eyebrows at her, a little surprised by how angry her words sounded. "Ohh...nothing. Just feel like making you later than you already are. Maybe Snape will take even more points off of Gryffindor." He looked her up and down for a second while Ginny glared at him, fuming, before he spoke again. "Now, run along little Weasel. I've wasted too much time on you already."

Draco then turned and started to stride away but Ginny wasn't through with the conversation yet. She was sick and tired of the way he treated her and the rest of her family and she wanted him to know it.

"What is it with you Malfoy? Why do you have to be this horrible? Do you even know how to be kind or how to like somebody?" She snorted, "Do you even know what it's like to love anything or did your father beat every last ounce of it out of your body? Is that another great lesson he has taught you, you have no right to like or love people?" Ginny knew she had probably pushed it too far with mentioning Draco's father but she couldn't resist and she was too angry to care right now.

As soon as Ginny had mentioned his father, Draco had froze in mid-step, anger boiling through him. How dare she say something like that to him. She had no right to talk about his father or act like she even understood what he went through each day.

Before Ginny knew what was happening, Draco had stepped up in front of her and shoved her against the wall, pinning her there firmly and putting his face right in front of hers. His steely eyes bore into hers and Ginny found that she could not look away, no matter how much she wanted to.

Draco finally spoke to her in a low voice but the way he said everything was enough to keep her attention. "You have no right at all Weasley, no right. You don't know what I go through every day of my life. You don't realize how much I HATE my father for everything he has done to my family. You don't know how much Idespise having his last name attached to me, haunting me wherever I go and making people hate me before they even know me. You don't realize how painful it is to be called a Death-Eater each day of your life even though that's the last thing you want to be. I don't want to follow the ways of my father. So, next time, don't bring up things that you don't understand. Don't mess with other people's lives because you think you're better than them." Draco stepped back from Ginny as he finished and stared coldly at her.

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