Aches and Breaks

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The chilled dry wind stung Malane-Vereece's fragile lips, as she kept to the trimmed sidewalk path; connecting the Established Young Women Preparatory school for adolescents with the Committee neighborhood. She needed to be home by precisely 3:22 or else she would miss the weekly phone call from her 'guardian'.


So Malane pressed her pace onwards and never roamed her surroundings other than the path with her pale set eyes.

It didn't matter how expensive her black silken gloves were, they did nothing for the cold. It also didn't help that underneath her navy pea coat, her school uniform only consisted of knee high socks, pleated skirt, a white button up shirt, vest, tie, and a blazer. It seems like a lot, but the clothing designers obviously had never spent a day of their life in New Hampshire.

Suddenly the voice of Josephine McKlaren gained Malane's attention. Josephine or Josey, as she preferred, was the private school's over achiever. She often used her name and looks to gain her way and wants, as well. The family of McKlarens' were also a founding family who just so happened to reside in the same small coastal town as the Brightons.

"Malane! Ooh pause for one moment, will you? I really must speak with you about the Founders Committee meeting!" Josephine's wiry voice ricocheted off of the surrounding rocks.

Malane paused as told, briefly, and said "Josephine, your mother has discussed the dates and circumstances of The Meeting." Josephine gave her a scalding look, most likely from using her birth name. "However, I simply can not be present. I have other activities to fulfill."

That wasn't exactly a lie, however it wasn't the truth either. She did actually have to speak with Uncle Joseph, her guardian, but it would only take precisely ten minutes max. Although Malane would never tell Josephine McKlaren that. Besides, the Founders Committee meetings were always so pompous, and though Malane was quite used to such events, they tired her out emensely.

They both continued walking along the path, Josephine chattering about this and that. Turning onto Evermore avenue, it only took the girls a minute to reach the Brighton well-kept mansion.

"-nd I also heard that Louisa had been caught with one too... And during the test!" Josephine knew no boundary to knowing when to stop talking.

Malane, not having a clue as to what the youngest McKlaren was gossiping about said, "really now?"

"Yes, really!" Josephine seemed delighted that she was finally contributing, "Louisa should know that no pencils other than number 2 pencils are acceptable!" Oh my, this is what she was going on about?

Frantic to rid herself of Josephine, Malane opened up the iron gates and walked up the steps to her front door. She then turned and said "I am afraid my activity will begin rather shortly, so I must say adieu now. Goodbye." Malane opened the door, and shut it just as quick. Then the phone rang.

Ten minutes later, she was lounging on her soft bed and thought of the incident from her past. The incident that rocked her family apart for some time.

Even at a young age, she had understood that her father had committed adultery. Although she'd heard of wealthy families succumbing to it, no one would have guessed that her proud father would as well.

Malane came back to the present after remembering that as the second worst day of her life. The first was the day her parents had gone officially missing. With those two days of horribleness still unleashed on her mind, Malane retreated to the peacefulness of sleep.

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