Drizzled Water

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Malane-Vereece Brighton was a lady of few words. That, however, did not mean she was lacking in the 'Thoughts Department'. In fact, she often found her mind so jumbled it was hard to reason clearly. But she always found her ways, whether it be counting a series of patterned breaths or resting her eyes in a secluded room.

Often, when Malane found herself in the family room, filled with old portraits of her once tight knit family, she had to use these strategies to soothe herself. If the family room affected her so, then why would she be in the room now, seated on the firm love seat? Mrs. McKlaren was the reason, actually.

The young Brighton had awoken the next morning precisely at 7:00 and dressed in her crisp pressed uniform. School for the children in town didn't have to be present until 8:30. She'd been on her way downstairs for breakfast after the breakfast bell had sounded merely half an hour later, when the doorbell had chimed.

And now Malane found herself sitting here in mrs. McKlaren's presence, both eating macaroons and tea. Once Darlene, the warm housemaid, had opened the door the woman had barged inside the house to the family room, signaling Malane to follow.

"So, my dear, any word from Gregory? Perhaps he left...persay a letter directed for me?" She asked while crossing her long lean legs.

Startled by the mention of her MIA father she said, "what would you mean by that mrs. McKlaren?" The beautiful woman simply smiles at Malane's voice.

"Ah Malane, your voice is so soft and sweet like honey. And your appearances are certainly taking after your father's dark hair and cloudy eyes." Her eyes grew distant for a little before Malane cleared her throat. "Oh yes, well I had simply meant that me and your father were quite 'close', shall we say?" Mrs. McKlaren giggled at her own joke.

"And by 'close' you mean?"

"Why my dear, you didn't know? I was Gregory's mistress! The old affairs you'd heard of, they were because of me! Why my child, we'd been 'tossing around in the sheets' since high school. And if I didn't know any better, I'm still not quite certain if my Josephine is my husband's child or Gregory's." Mrs. McKlaren plowed out the words with an ethereal sophistication despite admitting to adultery.

With her mouth open and tears brewing, Malane remained speechless until the door had softly opened and Darlene peeked her head through.

"Miss Brighton, your driver is here now. Mrs. McKlaren, we must ask that you resume your conversation at a later date please. Miss Brighton must be off now, can't have her tarnishing the perfect record maintained." Darlene smiled warmly at the both of them.

Malane, relieved to leave the room quickly, bid mrs. McKlaren goodbye before donning her peacoat and gloves. And as the car pulled away from the beautiful home, she could see the woman staring at her straight-faced standing by the house door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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