Independent, Young, and Lonely • Y/N

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You just graduated from the greatest college in the world! You were at the top of your classes, always number one. But that got old quick, becoming a graduate was the best thing you've ever done, time is now, spend that sweet, sweet, money on some independent!

*6 years after graduation.*


I bought a beautiful house! Nothing a 22 year old can't handle! (You're 22) I can't believe I still have quite alot of money, maybe I could spend it at Hot Topic, because you know, who doesn't want that edgy teenage merch? I mean, this Panic! The Disco shirt I'm wearing is awesome! Sure I'm a Scientist, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna spend it on Science Materials, Hell No! I got a whole bunch of gadgets I made myself!

Time to move in, I stood outside my house, this shouldn't take long, I pull out a pen, it's one of my inventions, and place it on the floor.

"M.I.M 3.0, engage move in mode." I shout. M. I. M. stands for Moving In Mechanism, clever right?

M.I.M scans my things and the house, in a flash, everything is set up just the way I programed it too, Moving In? Check! Now time to explore?

I start to walk, not even a good 10 Minutes in, I ran into a young boy, who was getting beaten up by a group of fucking bullies.

If there's one thing I hate most in the world, it's people busting other people's balls. I can't stand it! I've been bullied all my life, I won't let it be the same for others.

I pull out another invention of mine. It's supposed to freeze people into a whole block of ice, neat right?

"Hey, fuckers!" I yell and shoot them.
They turn into ice blocks.
The boy who was getting beaten up tried to get up but couldn't.

"T-thank you! So much, I don't even know y-you but that was a-amazing!" He says.
"Anytime, I'm Y/N." I smile looking at him on the ground.
"M-morty." He says.
"Let's get you home, Morty where do you live?" I ask.
"O-over there." He points to the house across from mine."
"Hey! You live near me!" I got excited.
"I do? Oh, you must h-have bought that house." He points to mine.
"That's right."

I watched Morty try to get up... But he couldn't.

"Can I carry you home?" I ask.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna rape you." I add.
He laughs.
"You're really nice, Y/N, if you don't mind me asking how old are you?" Morty smiles weak.


"You look like you're 16!" He blushes.
"Aww shucks." I say, still looking at him on the ground.

"Come on, let's fix you up before you go home?" I pick him up, and carry him bridal style...

We arrive to my house, I walk him into my lab, my garage. I laid him on a pull out couch I had in there because you never know when you're gonna fall asleep during Science.

I whip up an antidote, made from things I got from other dimensions.

"Woah, Y/N, you must be really smart. Have you graduated yet?"

"I did, with a 6.0-grade average." I try not to brag, but...

He looks at me like I'm lying, I showed him a picture of me holding my 6.0-grade average certificate at my graduation.

"You're like my grandfather, Rick." He says.

"You're saying I'm old?" I laugh.
"Maybe." He laughs.

"Hey!" I say in an offended voice.
"Here, drink this." I hand Morty the antidote.

He drank it all up, and before a blink of an eye, you could see him regaining his normal strength back. Becoming normal. He gets off the couch and grabs my hand.

Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now