Alcoholic Redemtion • Rick

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There is no way, she's can't possibly be anywhere near as smart as me, I'm a genius. She's gonna lose. Read em and weepppp!! I admire how confident she is thought, not that many people do that, what are you saying Rick? She's younger than you. Whatever...
But her confidence, her sarcastic comebacks, her love of Science, makes me feel weird. I'm probably drunk, I doubt it.

Rick's POV

The way she touched me, it makes me feel sick, she's such a smart woman, I, I can't stand her. Her sarcastic comebacks, sly and smooth. I'm in love, not again...

"Dad! You scared her away!" Beth tugs me by the ear to the living room.

"And I care be-*ERUP* because?" I roll my eyes.

"Dad, I saw the way you looked at her." Beth smiles.

"Yeah, I want to rip her throat out." I groan.

"You use to look at Mom that way." She sighs.

"Dad, she's perfect, sarcastic, smart, she's pretty, not to mention she's a Scientist! Don't tell me she's not your dream woman!" Beth crossed her arms.

I take a sip from my flask, trying to avoid that statement.

"Go apologize." Beth points to the door.

"Now." She demands.

"Fine." I take a sip from my flask and head my way over.

I cross the street, and I make my way to her door.

There's a note on the door. I read it aloud.

"Fuck off, unless you're Rick, come in I wouldn't care less. The alcohol is being made. If you enter and you aren't the person I'm allowing, I'll have you know I beat the shit out of you...

Love, You don't need to know, now leave."

My heart fluttered when I read that part about me... What am I doing? Is she like 20? Rick, stop.

I enter her house, she left it unlocked, so much for having a 6.0.

Where could she be? Wait, the garage, that's where I'd be, not like she'd be in there.

Yet, I could hear her, working in the garage, I open the door, and get tackled by Y/N.

"Who are... Oh hey, Rick." She waves, sitting on top of me.

I blush.

"Oops! Sorry." She gets off of me and extending her hand out to help me up.

"I don't need you're helping." I groan.
"Fine, I didn't want to touch your goddamn hands anyway." Fuck, she's hot.

"I.. um.. erm.. sorry." I try to speak, but I can't.

"It's okay, I've been treated worse." She nods and walks to a table full of strange items, not even I know what they are.

"Relatable." I responded.

"It's been about 5 Minutes, it should be done." She says, checks the temperature with a thermometer.

"Wanna sit down old man?" She smirks, fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't...

"S-sure," I reply.

She pulls out the pull out couch she has in there, that's not bad of an idea, she sits down, I do too but not where I thought I would.

"I'm not fucking Santa." She says point to my legs.

I was sitting in her lap. Oh, fuck.

"S-sorry." I try to think fast what to say.

"It's fine, if you wanted to cuddle, all you had to do was ask." She smirks.

I get off her lap and sit next to her, her hand was so close, I wanted to hold it.

She lays her head on my shoulder.
"Are you always like this?" She asked.
I stiffened up, this is nice, but I can't speak, she's too much, my stomach hurts.

"Yeah, I usually am." I chuckle a little.
"So you're basically Mr. I don't give a fuck?" She asks.
"Hell yeah!" I shout.
"That makes the two of us." She awkwardly laughs.
"Pfft, I don't give a fuck, more than you do." I reply.
"Well, I bet you do." She says.

"I'mma go check the alcohol, it's done, most likely, if I calculated right." She says, getting off the couch, damn it, I liked that so much.

She pours it into a flask of her own, and hands it to me.

"I fucking poisoned it." She laughs.
"Yay..." I say sarcastically.

I take one sip.

"Holy Fuck! That's some really good, *rrp* shit right there!" I take another swing at it.

She smiles.

"Told you." She says, satisfied off her work.

"Now fucking give me some!" She grabs the flask, and take a sip of her own.

"Damn, I'm an artist!" She hands me back a flask.

"Keep it, think of it as a souvenir, from when you got your balls busted, bittch!" She grins.

"Yeah, fuck you too." I smile.

I've never smiled in a long time, she must be special.

"Wanna come over *rrp* for dinner?" Why did I say that's she probably thinks-

"I'd love to." She replied.

She, she said yes?

"See you at 6." I wave goodbye.
"See you at 6." She says.

"Wait!" She says, she grabs a pen a writes something on my hand.

"Just in case." She says, pointing to my hand, and winks.

"Thanks." I smirk and leave.

She left her number and a little note at the end.

"I guess we are cool now? Friends? Call or Text me sometime ~ Y/N."

"See you at 6." I whisper to myself, reading the note over, and over, and over again.

I got home, entered the front door, to everyone staring at me, except Jerry, he's never around, either that, or he never pays attention.

"What?" I ask them, irritated already.
"Did you apologize?" Beth asked.
"Yep." I reply.

"What's that on your hand?" Summer asked.

"W-woah, is that Y/N's p-phone number?" Morty smirks.

"You don't need to *rrp* know." I reply.

Summer grabs my hand.

"It IS her number!" Morty and Summer jump up and down, I look over to Beth, she's laughing?

"Go get em Dad." She punches my shoulder.

"Invite her for dinner!" Summer says.
"I, already d-did." I reply.

"Dang it I won't be here!" Beth says.
"I have a horse surgery at 6." She adds.

"Ooohhh, it's j-just gonna be Rick and Y/N!!" Morty exclaims.

I blush, Morty's making fun of me.

"At least I can make a move! Unlike you and ugly ass Jessica!" I yell.

"S-somebody's mad." Morty says.

That's it, Imma kick his ass. I punch the shit out of him.

"Oww! Rick, what the h-hell!" He whines, rubbing his arm.

"Yeah, cry like a little, *rrp* bitch!" I say, leaving for my room.

"I've gone crazy." I mumble to myself.
"I always do." I enter my room, contemplating, laying down on my bed.

"She's the one."

Rick's got a little thing for you!!! Aww!! Don't worry, you're mad for him too! 😂😂

Deuces~ Author-Chan

Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now