Get Along • Y/N

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I gave Rick my number?!? I'm insane! He's like what 60? Get a grip Y/N, even if he's Handsome... Hot... Attractive. Smart... Sarcastic... A total Genius... Your total dream guy! I NEED this dinner to work out... Maybe I'll show him one of my inventions?


Rick invited me for dinner. How weird is it gonna be? I hope it's just gonna be Rick and-

*Ding ding*

My phone goes off, letting me know someone has texted me, obviously, it's Rick, I just gave him my number, and sure enough, I was correct.

Rick: Hey it's Rick, dinner will still be a 6, but Beth won't be here, and her husband Jerry, is a total idiot, he's not gonna be here either, I don't even think he knows you're gonna even be here.

Just Rick and I? But that's what I wanted! Thanks, Universe!

What do I tell Rick? Ermm...

Me: Okay! Hopefully, we won't kill each other.

Rick: Oh, trust me, I'm gonna murder you as soon as you get to the door.

Me: I'll be ready. 😒 IF you can even keep up with me Grandpa!

Rick: Oh now you're gonna get it. 😉

Me: Shove a Sock in it, before I come over there and kill you now.

Rick: I'd like that.

Me: Oh boy am I coming to rip your throat out!

Rick: Ooo I'm so scared.

Me: You better be...

I place my phone down and stop texting Rick, I'll gonna kill that man. I hurry and get dressed, even if he already saw me in my Panic! At The Disco shirt, I have an invisible cloak I got from E-32, I've never had to use it until now. I also will bring weapons I made myself, like this thing, I still haven't named it, but it's like a flamethrower, with 3 other functions, there's...

Red: Flame
Blue: Ice
White: Laser

Pink, Pink turns the whole machine into a big katana, I don't know what was going through my head when I was making this.

Then I will also bring extra clothes, because I will look like a warrior when I take off the cloak, yay...

Oh, I'm coming for you Rick, I'm coming for you...

I put my hair in a ponytail, and cover my face with camouflage looking makeup.

I put the cloak on, and turn it to "Hide" mode.

I go to my bathroom, and woah! I'm gone!

Now's the Time, for action.

Who's gonna win?


Shattered (Rick X Reader) (Completed) *2018*Where stories live. Discover now