V ♛ Word of a Servant

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[Chapter 5]

"We've just seen one of the snakes in Valiant's shield come alive," Merlin mutters to Gaius the second he and Charlotte enter the healer's study

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"We've just seen one of the snakes in Valiant's shield come alive," Merlin mutters to Gaius the second he and Charlotte enter the healer's study.  Char checks the door to ensure it closed properly before rushing over to Knight Ewan.  "He's using magic."

"You sure?" Gaius asks suspiciously.  After all, Merlin's accusing a knight.  They protect the law — not break it.  Charlotte speaks up while examining the venomous bite, "We're sure, Gaius.  Valiant was feeding them live mice.  Besides, it adds up.  We don't have any snakes around the castle, not poisonous ones at least."

"Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed," Merlin points out.  "It must have been one of the snakes from the shield.  I have to tell Arthur."

"Is there any chance you might have been mistaken?" Gaius rushes out, standing to his feet.  Merlin stutters, "I — I know magic when I see it."

"Perhaps.  But do you have any proof?"

"Don't you believe me?  Believe us?"

"I fear you'll land yourself in trouble."

"He's got a point, Merlin," Charlotte inputs solemnly.  "When a knight's word is against a servant's with no proof, the knight will always win."

"What about you?" Merlin asks.  "You'll back me up, won't you?"

"Of course I will, but, even then —" Char cuts herself off, trying to figure out how to explain her situation in a way that makes sense.  "You have to understand, Merlin.  My history with magic users sort of makes my word unreliable.  Simply vouching for you isn't enough."

"What other magic users do you know?" Merlin suddenly asks.  Char instantly shuts her mouth, realizing she messed up.  Clearing her throat, the gears of her mind turn quickly, "I just meant that when there were people in Camelot who were found using magic, I was normally the one to defend them — to raise a voice against the law forbidding magic.  It has caused my relationship with my father to be a...strained one at best."  That is technically true.  It's just...not all of the truth.

"In any case, you cannot come forward with your proclamation without proof.  The King would never accept it," Gaius states, changing the subject back to the matter at hand — for which Charlotte is silently thankful for.  Merlin turns on him in frustration, saying, "So, my say doesn't count for anything?"

"Not where the King is concerned.  That's just how it is." Gaius and Char share uneasy eye contact as Merlin storms to his room.  The brunette girl mutters, "That could've gone better."

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