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November, 1789

"Make it memorable."

"Hmm?" Jimin turns around from the window, fingers smoothing back a loose strand of blonde hair absently.

"Papa's order. It's our first time meeting him, after all."

"And what does he wish me to do? Throw myself at his feet and pledge my undying allegiance?" His voice is icy. "Or maybe Papa wishes for me to play coy, flash him a bit of skin, a tease of what I can offer later?"

Victoria frowns and averts her gaze, "you know I dislike this as much as you do. But we have no choice. There were already talks of nationalizing this house at the assembly, willingly offering it to a general of the National Guards changes the tone. It shows sincerity from our family."

"Yeah? And what about me? Am I part of this offering, sis? Or is it either one of us, whatever the general prefers?" His words drop in the room, and are met with silence. Victoria purses her lips, and the light from the windows cuts sharp shadows on her delicate features.

She is seated in an armchair by the corner of the salon, curly blonde hair pinned up loosely. A maroon Indian shawl covers her shoulders, the simple white cotton dress underneath gently draping over her diminutive figure.

An image flashes in front of his eyes, of the sixteen years old Victoria entering the grand royal ball at Versailles for the first time. Her dress was of the most elaborate robe à l'Anglaise style, in an icy blue silk fabric that rustled as she danced, with white lace fichu hanging delicately over her neckline. Her bright eyes gleamed all night with excitement, and Jimin's heart aches at the sudden reminisce.

His pretty little sister, the petit canard, always carrying herself with the utmost dignity and grace, how he wishes to protect and give her the world forever. But now, she's a bird trapped in the gilded cage of Tuileries palace, along with Papa and the royal family.

Well, maybe his fate is not that different after all.

"Hey." The softness of her voice gives his thoughts pause, as his gaze meets hers. "You've always been the cunning one of the family. Remember how upset Papa use to get when we were younger, when he could never quite pin you down for all the mischiefs you schemed up?"

A smile plays by her lips, fond and warm, "This general, however he turns out to be, never grew up in the palace like we did, he'll be no match to your maneuvers."

Suddenly, they hear the clamor of carriage horses in the front, and footsteps of the servants by the staircase. With a reassuring nod, Victoria gets up to stand beside Jimin, "We will rely on each other like we've always done. It'll be better soon, as long as we keep trying. For the family."

A pretty little pretence, but Jimin responds with a stiff grin, accepting the false optimism neither of them truly believes in.

For the family.


By the time they reach the front foyer, the servants are already lined up and waiting. There are only four of them left now, led by Jin, who flashes them a warm smile.

"Ready? Maybe try to smile more naturally, master Jimin."

When Jin steps up to open the heavy wooden doors, his demeanour changes, a diplomatic courteousness washes over his profile, as his back straightens.

There's the sound of horse neighing in the yard, and the clamor of people retracting luggage. Jimin hears distant murmurs moving towards them, and glances at Victoria, who looks just as uncertain as him.

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