4.5 Setting the Stage

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Will dressed for the occasion by throwing a black blazer over his blue t-shirt, belting his work jeans, and sporting sandals instead of steel-toed boots. Sarah wore a simple, coral dress that complimented her olive skin. The turnout was smaller than he hoped, but he pushed away the disappointment and focused on the people who came to show their support.

Sean Umbers arrived first and joked, “I nearly wore the bunny suit but decided this wasn’t the time or place,” then pulled a paper Uncle Sam hat from behind his back and placed it on his head. Will laughed and welcomed him to the party.

Brian “Sherlock” Cavenaugh arrived with wife Sharon tucked easily beneath his bulging arm. In the moments after they arrived, Will noticed Janie balancing on a stray beam behind the lumber pile, scrutinizing the cop and his wife until she was certain Tracy wouldn’t pop out from behind her father. William greeted the couple without mentioning the break-in. They would have a private discussion later. 

Jen and Will arrived with hugs and side-kisses, followed immediately by the Johnson kids with fists full of sparklers to share with the other children. Jaxon showed up late and overdressed with his daughter on his left, his wife on his right, and Stan trailing behind in a suit and tie (probably borrowed from Jax). Another couple introduced themselves as Joy and Bob Shelby and explained that their son went to school with Janie but wasn’t feeling well enough to attend. When they were seated, Janie pulled her dad aside and told him that they were Carter Shelby’s parents. Marv arrived behind Leonard Sims. Pastor VanDuyn brought a sampling of his congregation. The widowed Mrs. Danthers arrived last, hugging a bowl of fruit salad and balancing Styrofoam bowls on top. “I’m so excited I just had to bring a dish!” Hyde and Kayla stuck around too, and Will privately thanked them both for their help.

All in all there were sixty-eight people and plenty of appetizers to go around.

At ten minutes after seven, with the sun and clouds creating a technicolor backdrop behind the hill, Jaxon Silverman took his place behind the podium and raised his hand to quiet the gathering. Most had found seats in the semicircle of rented chairs. Others finished their mingling and turned their attention to Jax. 

“Mr. Carmel asked if I could say a few words to kick off tonight’s ceremony for his yet-unnamed theater, and I’m honored to show my support for such an ambitious venture. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with many of the Brandywine residents about the construction of this stage. I have heard their excitement as well as their concerns. This evening I can assure you that the HOA is working closely with Mr. Carmel to draw clear lines regarding the integration of this unique development into our community. Mr. Carmel and I will have our ups and downs regarding this spectacular addition to our community, but we have settled on one thing for certain: the Brandywine community will receive free lawn tickets for all shows, and seats will be half off!”

The guests clapped.

Jaxon rambled for another minute about the effect of the stage on the community, bringing work to a struggling economy, a shout out to his daughter and wife, then finally concluded with Will’s introduction. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce to you a spectacular entertainer, a true humanitarian, and my friend for nearly thirty years, Mr. William Carmel!”

The men and women resumed applause--Janie and her friends loudest of all--and Will shook Jaxon’s hand and took the podium. With a deep breath and wink to Sarah, he began his speech.

“Thank you all for joining my family on this monumental evening. Thank you for showing your support to the people who will give this project life.” Will raised his voice over the muffling breeze and realized he should have rented speakers form Hyde. He looked at Sarah again, and she nodded encouragement. “I’ve been blessed with a fantastic testimony, and I’m happy that my story has become common knowledge to this town. It started as gossip about a crazy-hermit drug addict locked in a shed with voices in his head. Before this spring I was the man who hosts the annual Easter picnic. Then I became an enigma in the rumor mill. But the turnout tonight proves that we’ve moved past that. Today is a new beginning; it legitimizes this project and proves that I’m not crazy. That this is real.

“Some in the community still doubt me. They have attacked my family and harassed my daughter. Someone broke into the stables today; a place I now consider holy ground. What can I learn from these people? Should I let them dissuade me? I will not. The threatening posts nailed to my front door are signs that I am on the right track. I believe that people who spark change will ruffle feathers. I believe that if we go through life without stepping on a few feet, we’re not trying hard enough to make a difference. The offenders may not be here today. They might watch the construction of this stage from the safety of their homes. They might laugh at my ambition. But when our work is done and our theater stands tall on this hill, the skeptics will join us for the opening celebration and we will welcome them with open arms!”

Will noticed several nods amongn the applause. Mrs. Danthers let out a whoop.

“In addition to overseeing the construction of the theater, I’ll begin scheduling the fall and spring lineup. It will be an exciting mix of the performing arts with something for everyone.”

Will took a breath and briefly considered an unrehearsed conclusion. “I was struck with an idea only hours ago when my good friend, Hyde Whitaker, discovered that my stables had been vandalized. At first I thought it was an attempted robbery, but then I wondered who would break into a dilapidated shed and not steal anything? Then it hit me! Someone wanted to experience what I have experienced. They wanted to see one of the rare places on Earth where divinity brushed against humanity. And it got me thinking... maybe more people will want to experience it as well. So in response to this break-in, I will not report it to the police, but I will open up my shed for the faithful. My original drawings will be on display, as well as my written testimony of the events that occurred on Easter night.

“I won’t end this speech by dancing on a piano, but I am going to thank the people who have supported my insanity. Together, we will take those shovels and we will break this ground. I would like to introduce my architect, Mr. Marvin Gibson; my contractor, Mr. Leonard Sims; Brandywine developer and head of the HOA, Mr. Jaxon Silverman; and last but not least, Sarah and Janie Carmel, loves of my life.”

One at a time they stood and approached the line of shovels. Hardhats were placed at the base of the tools, and each person ritualistically picked them up and placed them on their heads. Janie seemed hesitant, then finally joined the others. The hat sat large and crooked on her head. Robin, the newspaper photographer, took her place in front of the group and snapped some test pictures.

Before William joined them, he had an impromptu addition. “Also, although they won’t officially break the ground with us tonight, I want to invite our good friends, Hyde and Kayla Whitaker, to join us for the photo. Hyde has been a constant source of encouragement for me, and Kayla represents the kind of person we want to reach with this theater: artists and entrepreneurs. Miss Kayla is both. Their loyalty and friendship is undeserved and greatly appreciated. Hyde and Kayla?” Will motioned his hand to the end of the line and the couple blushed at the applause and took their place. Robin readjusted for the addition. 

Will grabbed the end of his shovel, said “One, two, three!” and they christened the dirt as the camera captured the moment. Will would blow up the photo, frame it, and hang it in the chorus room.

The final applause faded and every eye tilted from the split dirt to the ghost of the future stage. For only a moment they sat in that reverent silence with captive breath and unspoken expectations. Maybe something would happen. Something should happen, be it heavenly fire, writing on the wall, or a giant hand from the clouds giving a thumbs up...

But God remained silent.

Will waited an extra beat--just in case--then raised his arms to the sky and announced, “It has begun!”

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