TWENTY-EIGHT;Whats my name

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A/n yes I did just use a Disney song 😂
You turn around and see Harvey and the twins
JP"I'll leave you to say your goodbyes"he climbs on the plane
You jump onto Harvey and hug him
After s good 10 minutes you jump of and go up to the twins
SS"max and Harvey I'm going to miss you both so much ok but I'll be back and your going to come to America on your tour and so will Harvey ( bf) I will be at all the shows near me I promise and you can come and meet all the team"
MM "that would be great"they both hug you for 5 minutes and you walk back to Harvey
SS" Harvey Cantwel I am going to miss you so much and I love you never forget that ok"
HC"I won't Skye love you"he hugs you tight and the announcer says that you flight is leaving in 5 minutes so everyone not on needs to get on now
You kiss him on last time wave by to them all and run on the plane to your seat
You find Jake sitting down next to your seat
SS"yayy we are next to each other"Jake smiles
JP"yep I made sure we were"
SS"thanks Jake"
You sit on the plane a little nervous and listen to music and end up falling asleep
You wake up to someone picking you up
Your eyes flutter open and you see Jake
JP "morning princess"(k I'm cringing 😂)
SS"Jake where are we going"you hop out of his arms and o to the floor you are quite small so it was quite a high drop
JP "the plane landed and they said you need to get of and you wouldn't wake up so I had to pick you up"
SS"um thanks lets goooo"you run to the luggage area and pick your stuff up Jake was walking behind you vlogging but not showing you until you get home
He turns the camera off
JP"hey Skye wanna get Starbucks"
SS"um is that even a question"you run into Starbucks and join the surprisingly short line
You both wait and you finally arrive at the counter
Waiter(is that what their called idk 😂) "hey what can I get you beautiful"you mentally cringe and put on a fake smile
SS"coffee lots and lots of coffee please"he nods and walk away
JP"hey what about me"
Waiter"oh sorry are you her boyfriend"you and Jake both burst out laughing
SS"he ...just....he just...asked if your my boyfriend"you laugh harder and hold your stomach with laughter
JP"nope she is kinda like my little sister"he says laughing
Waiter "oh ok cool so what do you want then"
JP"get a caramel Frappuccino"
Waiter "ok cool what's your names then"
SS"I'm soph...Skye and this is Jake"Jake looks at you weirdly
Crap I just messed up he hopefully will forget about it
The guy serving you walks off
JP"what was that about"
Dam he noticed what do I do
SS"oh some times in England me and my friends would use fake names so we weren't fussed over but I'm lucky that nobody knows me yet"Jake nods his head satisfied with your answer
JP"ok then well I'm going to call my brother for a lift home"
Noo Logan might notice me even through my contacts and makeup
SS"ok see you in a sec then"you put a fake smile on agin and Jake walks out and you sit down waiting for your drinks
The boy brings them over and he smiles you smile back pick up the drinks and walk back to Jake
JP"that's fine bye"he hangs up and turns to you and smiles
You both walk away drinking the drinks
JP"you know I'm surprised that boy didn't get your number"you roll your eyes and turn the cup around to show he had written his number on the cup
SS"no but I got his I am gonna just bin it though"
SS"because I have a boyfriend you know Harv..."you were cut of from someone shouting
JP"Didn't notice you there sorry"you turn around only to see...
A\N sorry it took so long for me to post but more coming soon 😘

Bullied Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora