A/N ive not eaten pizza in 6/7 years

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Things I love
1 )Why Don't We
2 )My friends
3) family (brothers are uhh tho but still love them I guess)
4 )Netflix (stranger things and Riverdale are my fave rn)
5) long baths or showers
6)Amarica (I'm English)
7) Not having chapped lips
8)Curly hair
10) this is gonna sound like a lie but exercise no joke I'm obsessed with it because I'm self conscious cos my brothers call me fat and my mom jokingly was like yea soph your so fat aren't you so yea aren't ly I'm not underweight but my brothers still say it idc tho 😂
Things I hate
1)racism,sexism,homophobia,transphobia etc
2) bullies,rapists,child predators etc
3) hate pages on instagram
I can't think of anything else 😂
I haven't eaten pizza in 6/7 years
I haven't eaten pizza since my great grandma died it was what I ate on the day I said to her "I hate you" she died 2 months later I didn't get the chance to say bye to her she went into hospital 2 days after I said it and she was in hospital up until her death I blame myself as she got a thing with is DNR meaning do not bring back to life if she dies I never meant to say it we were arguing I didn't think it would be the last memory with her when she was in hospital I drew her picture wrote cards made everything perfect and when back to her home to tidy up
When she died she passed down her vanity for my room my mom hasn't let me touch it and she also put £1000 in my bank and my 2 brothers
Things bout me

I was a model as a child

I was a ballerina as a kid so 3-9

I was in a film about dance once

I was on a kids show once

I have anxiety

I have depression

I love animals

I used to be a really good singer idk now 😂

I sang for my whole school once

I used to get Mary in all except for one where I forgot to audition 😝 the Christmas plays at school(That was the biggest role you could get)

Once I was cast as an angel I had to stand there the whole play and I got in a fight with a Shepard the teachers had to separate us 😂 we were like 6 me and the boy

Once at school before I moved because i was at a bad school full of drugs and gangs I was pushed down the stairs by a boy and it was from the top floor I was lucky to survive

My favourite flavour of ice cream is ether mint choc chip or vanilla

Im allergic to chocolate (I hate it cos chocolate is so yummy 😬😆😢)

Sometimes I'm a savage and I eat chocolate even though I'm allergic it tast soo good though i can eat white chocolats tho

I'm allergic to kiwi 🥝

I was a vegetarian for 2 years

Bacon stopped me from being a vegetarian no joke 😂

At my school there is a boy who looks and acts like Jack #imcrushing

When I first saw this boy i walked into him by accident and I was staring at hi for 5 minutes until he asked if I was alright 😂

I'm kinda strange but that's the new cool 😂🤘🏻

Ever time I see one of my friend I do this 🤘🏻😝

My best friend is gay and I love him (not love way but you know)

I got stalked on my instagram once he is in my year

I'm crushing on someone who doesn't like me and is know as a "nerd"

I told my friend I liked someone who was a nerd and called jack and they said I can't date him so I just acted like I meant jack Avery with glasses on 😂

I have a fear of a teacher at my school he is known as a pedo I mean he puts a fan by the door but no hate but he scares me he always puts his hunds on my shoulder on leans over us girls to get stuff it's weird

That's all really

I'm blond ,my eyes change colour weird ikr they go from blue to green to turquoise to brown

Couloir they are now

I have no eyebrows 😂 they are darker in real life just never show on camera for some reasonyep my eyes are so ew😂

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I have no eyebrows 😂 they are darker in real life just never show on camera for some reason
yep my eyes are so ew😂

That's all really

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