18. Jealousy?

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Chloe's POV

"Man's bold. I'll give him that." Claire hummed.

"He is giving me existential crisis."

"You have it regardless, my love."

"I hate you so much." I heard her chuckle from the other side of the phone. Christian and I came back, the next day as planned and my brain was more fucked up than before.

Of course, as soon as I reached home, I told Claire everything, because I can't keep my mouth shut. At least not in front of her. And no, these were not best-friend-goals, rather more like my-life-is-falling-apart-I'm-fucked, rants.

"Wait, how many times have you guys even kissed?" She enquired.

"I... I don't know anymore."

"That's hoe behaviour."

"You will literally get cancelled on twitter, in a day."

"That is exactly why I don't use twitter." I hated how funny she was, because she was making me laugh, when I was on the very end of my frustration brink. My mind wasn't working right and I questioned everything I was a part of.

"Claire!" I cried, banging my head on the steering wheel of the car.

"Oh, come on, skip those thoughts, you have to go to office anyways. Because, not skipping would simply mean, you are getting affected way too much by whatever, he is doing." She surely had a point, because his cold and carefree attitude scared me more than his audacious statements.

I was on my way to the office, yet a huge part of me wanted to stop the car and return back home. I just didn't feel like seeing his face, that day. Somehow, though unwillingly, I reached the office. Sun was bright, yet a chilly breeze sent a trail of goosebumps all over my body.

Suddenly, Claire's wordings, once again, evaded my brain and I decided to float in my harmonious vibe, rather than sulking on this lowkey bad intuition. Stomping my heels on the glass marble floor, I walked towards entrance, trying to distract myself.

I was near the elevator when I met, Austin.

"Morning, sugar." He said, radiating his usual, golden retriever energy.


"What's with the gloom? Stone face did something?"

Yes! Yes, he did something. Not just something, but tons of things, which was making my head fussed.

"Nah, I'm just a bit tired." I partially lied.

"Take care, Ms. Cameron." He said tilting his head, giving me his prettiest smile.

He was so cute and I smiled involuntary. "Thank you, Italian boy."

"You must have more work today, I presume?"

"Uhm, nah just the usual?" My eyebrows scrunched.

"Oh?" He sounded doubtful. "I heard, there's some celebrity, on stone face's office floor. Not sure though."


"I don't know either..." The elevator door opened to his floor and he stepped out, before saying. "See you later."

"Bye." I waved, lost in the statement.

Celebrity? Who could this be now?

The door this time opened to a huge crowd, shouting and screaming. Great fuss. I somehow, made my way pushing people. The crowd was half filled with paparazzi; the cameras and people shouting, gave me the idea. It's terrifying noticing how the office is so humongous, that the hustle of one floor doesn't even reach the others. But well, no matter how huge the area was, people were filled in like pickles in a jar; tight and packed.

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