22. I lost the bet

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Chloe's POV

We were in his car and it was my first time seeing him drive so aggressively. Though I had tons of questions revolving around my head, I was still terrified of witnessing such a
side of Christian. Perhaps he had been too sweet to me this whole time, that I actually forgot why people, even in the office, call him ruthless.

Clear roads, yet my mind was fussed. What was his relationship with Damon? Of course, they did show signs of hatred very precisely, yet my curiosity wasn't letting me survive. I wanted to pour out this bucket and wanted to receive answers for everything. In another few minutes of so we reached my place.

He simply said, in an exhausted voice, "You may go. Good night, Chloe."

It was an awkward moment. The silence was deep and unnecessarily heavy. I could sense we both had tons of things to ask, we wanted to conversate but at the same time we were back on square one; unknown and unwilling. Letting out a sigh of disappointment, I was about to leave the car when he suddenly held me, by my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

With my face close to his, I could see his eyes turning a darker shade of brown with his cologne hitting my senses, hard. He looked straight into my eyes and said, "Don't hang out with Damon."

"But he's a friend." I immediately blurted out.

"I don't care. Just don't be around him." He stopped for a second, with his grip on the steering wheel getting tighter. He continued, "It's a long story. I'll tell you some other day."

"Well, the day you tell me the story, will be the day," I opened the door and turned back to him, "I will decide if I can agree with you or not." His reasoning didn't satisfy me; I said what had to be said and he knew it. I could see his face showing it very well.

I stepped outside the car, getting a bit annoyed at his reaction and also the fact that none of my questions were answered. I had never seen him this visibly furiously bitter. He had been angry a few times, but this was another level. I was worried about him but also a bit annoyed.

I took a few steps forward but something made me feel bad about the whole situation. Every time I come around him, it's like some misty aura always attracts me and I hit the ground, as if he shoots me. I hate how without even trying, he keeps winning every scenario, he has some secret allure I can never understand.

I turned around and bent down to his car window, slightly knocking on the glass, grabbing his attention.

"Want to grab some coffee?" I said and his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm already feeling hot, thank you though." He said taking a deep breath.

"I'll make cold coffee then." I said in a soft voice, smiling a little.


"This is the first time I'll be having cold coffee after clubbing."

I chuckled and said, "Come in. Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back." I said, after we entered.

Removing my heels, my sore feet touched the cold wood underneath and a pain relieving pressure was felt on my skin as I stepped further. I went to the kitchen to make cold coffee for him. After quickly making him some cold coffee and pouring it, I went outside, where I found him looking at my photographs. I cleared my throat to grab his attention. Then I placed the tray on the table.

"You were very cute, when you were a baby." He said, pointing to the picture frame kept on the shelf above my T.V. I blushed a bit.

He then continued, "You seem very close to Claire."

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