E I G H T | T O E P I C K

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Toe Pick: a set of teeth at the front of the blade of an ice skate

Rosaura checked the time once more. It was nine o'clock. Usually, she was up before then but today her schedule had been flipped upside down—courtesy of Brea. She wanted the two of them to hang out and even when Rosaura told her she had training, the girl volunteered to tag along. So, Rosaura now had to drive to Brea's house and pick her up before going to the new gym.

Rosaura put on a muscle tee over her black sports bra before putting on her matching running shoes. Grabbing her keys and an oversized sweatshirt she had stolen from Val, she made her way back to the garage and turned her car on.

Nearly an hour later, Rosaura was heading to the gym with Brea by her side.

"I can't believe you dragged me to the gym." she said with an exaggerated huff.

Rosaura smiled. "I didn't tell you to come with me. I said I had training, you were the one who wanted to tag along, remember?"

Brea stayed silent as she remembered the truth. Through the weeks, Rosaura had learned a lot about Brea. She was popular at school but didn't have very honest friends and that is why she loved hanging out with her. If Rosaura was being honest, Brea really grew onto her as well. She would go so far as to calling her one of her closest friends. Rosaura started stretching before she went on the treadmill.

"Aren't you going to join me?" she asked Brea.

Brea shook her head and laid down on one of the yoga mats. "I like where I am, I'll watch you."

For the next couple of minutes, Brea kept Rosaura company by telling her all the school gossip. Rosaura found it fascinating. She had been homeschooled for most of high school since Val and her decided to train in Europe for a while.

Rosaura moved towards the weights still listening to what Brea was saying but only half-heartily. The gym doors swung open and she heard male voices as they strolled into the gym. Immediately, Brea was on high alert and she jumped up from her resting position.

Rosaura frowned at the source of noise. Although there was a gym closer to her apartment, it didn't contain all the facilities that this gym did, and so, Val had recommended her to switch over to where he was training. He explained it as a quiet, state-of-the art gym facility and Rosaura had believed him—until now that is.

"I thought we had the gym to ourselves." Brea said in a poor imitation of a whisper.

Rosaura shrugged her shoulders but when she saw who the group was, she nearly dropped the weight she was lifting.

Brown eyes gazed at her and Brea in shock. "What are you guys doing here?" Xavier asked.

It was Brea who answered. "Exercising, duh. What else does someone do at a gym?"

Xavier snorted. "Brea, you don't exercise at all."

Brea was about to answer when another dark-muscular man stepped in. "Is there going to be a problem?" he asked the two of them.

Brea shook her head. "No, as long as he and his stupid friends keep away from me and Rosaura. We don't need them leeching at us."

Xavier looked appalled that his friends would do such a thing but one of the other guys pulled him away. Rosaura was aware of every movement that Xavier and his friends were making. Although she wasn't exactly staring at them, her peripheral vision was trained on what they were doing. When Rosaura looked at Brea, it was quite apparent that she was staring at them.

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