Chapter 1

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The names are not real. I changed them in order to hide their identity.

Dumbledore said that in dreams we enter a world that's entirely our own let them swim in the ocean and glide over that highest cloud. I remembered that saying as I gaze outside the window of the plane. 

Four years of working I still can't believe that I've reached the job I always wanted. It's like living in a dream, strolling places that I only see on the internet before is a dream that I don't wanna wake up anymore. I heard the Captain said to put our seat belts as we are going to land. I can barely keep the excitement I feel, maybe it's the joy of going back to your homeland even if it's just for two days. 

As I felt the pull in my stomach as we go down,  I gripped the handle between my seat and my co-worker. It's a bit frightening every time the plane go down but it's part of the job, to endure the long hours in the air and feel the gravity pull you down.

As I walked out of the airport I saw the car that was waiting for me, I strode with my case behind and got in as the driver opened the door for me. I remembered the time when I stare at the flight attendants looking high and mighty as they glide over the tiled floor and wishing it was me. The car started to move. I opened my hand bag and pulled out my phone. I turn off the airplane mode and instantly there's a load of notifications flashing on the screen but a chat head caught my eye, the picture was staring back at me, it was our picture from 10th grade. I wondered what they look like now and how are they doing.

The car park in front of hotel where I'm going to stay for two days. The door opened to my side and I went out instantly. I stared at the building for a moment but I was woken up from my reverie by the driver saying that I need to go inside as it's getting late.

I strode over the reception area and checked in, the bellboy carried my cases and led me up to my room. I was so tired that I didn't notice a girl running towards me. I barely held myself up as the girl bumped into me, I gripped the girls shoulder so that she won't fall. The little girl uttered an apology and was about to go away but I crouched down so that we're eye to eye and smiled at her.

"What is your name? " I asked.

The girl stared at me in the eye and replied "My name is Zapia".

I don't know why but the name's vaguely familiar, I try and try to browse my memories where on earth I heard that name before. After a few moment of searching my memories I found nothing so I decided to ask her another question.

"Who's your mother? " I watched as the little girl's eyes lit up at the mention of her mother. Now, my heart sped up as the expression was very familiar I just couldn't grasped where I saw that same expression before.

"It's Mummy Elsie " that revelation almost knocked my air out.

Elsie, I only knew one person who have that name. It was my classmate when I was in 10th grade, I almost tear up, knowing the person who became my best friend was in the same hotel as I am, but I held my composure as to not frighten the child.

I was about to ask her some more but I heard the distinct click of someone's heels on the tiled floor before I heard a woman calling Zapia's name. I instantly stood up in preparation of the upcoming meeting. When Zapia turn around the woman came into the view she was staring at me.

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