Chapter 19

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It was late into the evening when Constantin eventually got away from Maksim and Nikolai. He had tried multiple times that night to escape but eventually got dragged back. His mind was numb from the several drinks that he was handed but could still walk straight. His eyes roamed the party crowd for his mate instantly but came to a complete disappointment when he couldn't find her at all.

He wandered around the field and valley before entering the pack house. He headed up the steps, taking two at a time. As he got closer and closer to their bedroom, her scent grew stronger and stronger. She was here.

He let out a sigh of relief before opening the door. "Nat-"

She was sound asleep in bed already. He should have known. She had just recovered earlier this morning. He walked over to where she was sleeping on top of the covers. She was still fully dressed.

He contemplated on what to do. Should he leave her dressed like this or change her? A part of him didn't know if she will be okay with it but a large part of him told him he already saw everything. Why not?

He gave a short laugh and ran his hand through his hair. He was really going insane. He wanted to rip those clothes off her and remark every inch of her body. He has every right to if he really thinks about it. The love bites on her body were now almost completely gone; a mixture of yellow and green. 

He could feel his canines lengthening just seeing the marks on her skin. Turning away he inhaled deeply to control his wolf that was scratching and clawing through his skin. He wanted out. Feeling frustration growing inside of him he ran his hand through his now messy hair.

Constantin walked to the closet and pulled out one of his t-shirt. He held it in his hands tightly before stepping back out. Walking over to bed tonight seemed more painful than any other night.

Could it be because his heart was on the same path as his wolf?

Could it be that his love for his mate was pulling him in faster than a burning forest?

It was an inferno burn--slow and torturous but enough to know that at first glance it is as beautiful as can be. Constantin constantly felt like when he is around Natalya his oxygen is constantly leaving him. It was hard to breathe around her because she was so damn beautiful. She was his fire, taking his breath away.

He didn't realize he was standing on the edge of the bed staring at her for the longest time until she softly sighed and turned onto her back. He blinked and looked back down at his shirt. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, he gathered the last amount of his will and began undressing her.

He could call a maid servant to come and help. However, he wanted to be the one to touch her skin only. He slipped off her cropped top smoothly with his hands only grazing her skin only a handful of times. Constantin was clenching his teeth so hard he might just lock his jaw.

Quickly before he could lose any of his will left, he slipped the shirt on over her body. His eyes only briefly but hungrily eyeing what was his; the bountiful breasts that were hidden behind a soft ivory colored bra.

Licking his lips, he scooted down and pulled down her skirt. Constantin silently cursed as he watched how it revealed her creamy skin colored thighs. Once he had the damn skirt off from her, he placed the outfit on a sofa nearby. After, he pulled the blanket over her body. She snuggled further into the sheets.

He stared at her again for the longest time, a slow smile gracing his face. She was a strong Alpha but in this moment she looked innocent. Those violet colored eyes are not opened for him to fall over his feet for. Those violet colored eyes are not opened for him to see how her wisdom goes beyond her years.

Inferno (Mate Series #3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz