Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: The Lab Partner

Louis and I have been going out for about two weeks, and it's been great so far. We text like every night, and we always have something to talk about. Our relationship has been nothing but perfect so far.

"Later, babe. Have fun in class," Louis says with a smile, and kisses my cheek before walking off.

I head to science class and sit down in my seat. My teacher Mr. Hayes starts writing something on the board.


Great, the last thing I want right now is a project! I have to focus on my relationship, and also I want to think about the winter formal. Louis hasn't asked me yet, but it's in a few days, and we're dating, so I'm sure he'll ask me by then.

"Before we talk about the project, we're going to switch lab seats," Mr. Hayes says, grabbing a seating chart from his desk.

I barely pay attention until I hear my name.

"Now, row three. Harry Jacobs and Ashley Adams," he says.

Harry? This is great! How could it be more awkward? He's the guy I rejected.

Well, it's just a lab partner, so I'll be fine. We barely interact with our lab partners, and we switch every month, anyways. I can handle thirty days with Harry, barely talking to him at all.

"Whoever you're sitting next to will be your partner for the new project," Mr. Hayes announces.

Crap. Harry's my partner.

"You're probably groaning inside, aren't you?" Harry asks, biting his lip.

"No?" I say blankly. "Why would you think that?"

"Well, things are weird," Harry says, shrugging. "I asked you to the formal, you said no. You rejected me because you think I'm weird. But, thanks for saying nothing to your friends. I haven't heard anybody talk about how stupid I was to ask you yet."

"I wasn't planning on telling anybody," I say, even though I already told Emily.

But she's my best friend, so it doesn't even count!

"Harry, things don't have to be weird. It's not a big deal that I said no. Maybe I would have said yes if I wasn't seeing somebody, but I am," I explain.

"At the time, I didn't know, but now I do," Harry says. "Louis Parks, huh?"

"Does everybody know now?" I ask.

"Pretty much," he responds. "Word gets around quick." He pauses for a moment before asking, "Wait, if you weren't seeing Louis, you would have said yes?"

"I don't know. Probably as friends," I respond, shrugging. "Harry, I don't like you that way. I want to be friends."

I thought he would be mad, but he's calm.

"I got the message, Ash," he says, nodding his head. "Um, we don't have to talk about this anymore."

"I don't mind," I say.

"Yeah, but I don't really like it," Harry tells me. "Besides, Mr. Hayes gave us the time to plan our project, so let's do that."

"Do we have to meet up outside of school?" I ask, hoping we don't.

"Probably," Harry responds. "Mr. Hayes said nothing about working in class, so I assume. Your boyfriend wouldn't mind, would he?"

"Stop," I say, annoyed.

"I wasn't trying to piss you off, sorry," he apologizes quickly.

"Whatever," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "We can figure out some time to meet up."

"Cool," he says, nodding his head.

Okay, I feel bad for rejecting Harry, I really do! But what am I supposed to do? He's not the coolest guy around. He's not ugly, but he's not super hot or anything. I feel like things are going to be awkward from now on, especially since he's my lab partner.

"Want to go to the library tomorrow?" Harry asks.

"Um, sure, but first thing after school," I respond. "I have a date with Louis in the evening."

Harry rolls his eyes and says, "Good for you."

He's normally a nice guy, but I can tell he's jealous. I know not to bring up Louis from now on.

"Well, um," I begin uneasily, "I'll see you then."

The next day, right after school, I go outside the library, and Harry is already there. I walk over to him.

"Hey," I greet.

"Hey," he says back. "Let's get started."

Before we can walk in, Louis comes running down the corner of the street. I turn around and smile at him, and then he runs up to me.

"Ashley!" he exclaims. "I've been looking for you."

"Babe, hey!" I happily say, and hug him. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," Louis says, smiling that perfect smile of his. "This may not be the right time or right place, but it may be, too. I don't care, though. I've been meaning to ask you this since we started going out."

I know what he's going to ask, and I'm so excited!

"Do you want to go to the winter formal with me, sweetheart?" Louis asks, pulling out flowers from behind his back.

"Yeah, of course!" I exclaim, and kiss him for a long period of time.

I hear Harry tapping his foot behind me, and pull away from Louis.

"I have to work on my project with Harry now, but I'll text you later," I explain. "Bye!"

He waves at me before leaving.

"What's your problem?" I demand as soon as Louis is gone.

"Look Ash, you're wasting our time," he says. "Come on, let's go already."

I follow Harry inside, but I know things are still icy. He doesn't like it when I'm with Louis, or when I talk about him.

We sit down in the library, and I start reading a research book. My phone lights up, and I read the text and giggle.

Fixing his glasses, Harry says, "Your smile is... adorable."

I blush and say, "Uh... thank you, but-"

"Ash," he stops me, "I know what you're going to say. You have a boyfriend. That doesn't mean I can't appreciate true beauty, does it?"

"Harry..." I mumble.

"So I can't talk to you?" Harry asks.

"You can, but saying stuff like that is not going to make Louis happy," I answer.

"Yeah, I know," Harry says, shrugging. "I don't wanna make anybody mad. What made you giggle, anyways?"

"Um, it was a text from Louis," I uneasily answer.

"Of course it was," Harry says sighing. "He's got a real sense of humor."

"Was that sarcastic?" I ask.

"No," he responds, "I mean it. I don't know him well, but in class, he always says funny things."

"Yeah," I say, biting my lip. "That's another thing I like about him."

Harry nods his head before grabbing a book and pretending like our conversation never happened. Okay, he REALLY doesn't seem to like Louis anymore. But, I shouldn't care. My friendship with Harry is only temporary, and then Mr. Hayes will switch my lab partner again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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