His Locked Heart!~Chp 2~ On the verge of breaking down.

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Chapter two

On the verge of breaking down.

Once in the building, the cool air, probably coming from the air conditions brushed through my face and made my long brown hair fly. Oh my God this place is crowded with lots of Chanels, Versaces and louboutins. By the way these kids were dressed I knew that this was where the higher upper class studied.

I walked through the corridors, not knowing where the main office was so that I could collect my schedule. I needed to ask someone, But Who?

There were a group of guys standing at the end of the corridor. They looked quite snobbish and spoiled as they were staring everyone down, and so I decided that asking them for help would probably be the worst idea.

But looked like they didn't think the same way as I did 'cause as I walked passed them, "You knew here?" someone called from beside me. I turned to see a guy probably a little older than me like eighteen or nineteen. I was seventeen by the way. I saw his white-blonde hair were messy but stylish, his blue eyes were passing nothing but shots at me, shots of flirting.

I suddenly remembered that he'd asked me something but what was it?

" A'You talking to me?" I answered him with a question.

"Yeah beautiful I am talking to you." I was going to frown at his boldness but didn't because I was used to of these type of guys, they never really stop trying their luck. Ah! Guys. I passed him a fake smile.

"Yeah actually I was looking for the main office." I knew I shouldn't be asking him for help and had decided against it earlier, but I think it was too late now. I wished it wouldn't cause me any harm. I really didn't want to get in the way of these kinda boys today.

"Oh cool, I was actually headed there," I don't know if he was lying or what, or he'd probably gotten into trouble, that was my guess. "I can walk you there." He said randomly and started walking beside me.

"This way," he directed, with a mischievous smile.

"So, Did you get into trouble or something?" I asked after a while. Because he was helping me, I had to make conversation. I hoped I wouldn't be regretting this decision later on.

He chuckled at my comment and nodded. His laugh was quite fake though, I hated fake people. He stole a glance at me and kept his eyes on my face for a while and then said; "I had some paper work in there." He smiled, which gave me an idea of what kind of paper work.

"Detention?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He grinned and nodded.

"I am not quite fond of the bald guy!" he stated.

"So, Now I know that the principal's bald." I said and he chuckled again, Was I that funny? I managed a light smile.

Either he couldn't help being fake, which was 'Rich people influence' or he was trying really hard to impress me. It is what guys do, I have heard. They laugh at your jokes if they liked you.

I have grown up with rich people and have always hated the fake (I loves you)'s, the fake (I miss you)'s. It was all too artificial to me this world of ours. Too Fake!

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