His Locked Heart~Chp 3~The Emerald Green Eyes!

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                                               Chapter Three

                                      "The Emerald Green Eyes!"

I had it from this school and this day and these people, seriously could it get any worse, I don’t think so. There are too many things that I have to compromise on, which is something I’ve never really done before. Back at home everybody would do the stuff that I liked. They’d always try and please me but here nobody seems to care. I know it’s making me look like a ‘Bitch’ but trust me that’s how it was before and I can’t live around these people who don’t pay me enough respect or maybe it’s more about attention!

Mad, I strode out of my last class and out of the school as soon as I could. The warm air again brushed against my skin, making me sneeze. My body never really got used to the combination of the cool air-conditions and the warm natural air. I took a seat near the parking lot it didn’t seem clean so I put my schedule paper on it before sitting. Better ruin the paper then my precious clothes.

I picked out my cell phone and called my dad. He answered right away, ‘5 minutes and I’ll be there’ he said. I always wondered how he managed this, his busy work schedule and being my chauffeur.

Another thing I hated the most was ‘Waiting’, particularly when in a place where I didn’t know anyone. So I just sat there, on a not so tidy bench. May be the other kids would call it clean but for me it was like entering a 'Guys' room.

You might be thinking that I am complaining a lot, well that’s how I get when I am in a bad mood or it’s what everyone does when they are in a bad mood.

I looked around me and saw a group of girls and guys standing together and laughing at something. I could see they were calm and happy, nothing to complain about, no one to wait for. See I am doing it again. Never mind, so upon seeing then, I had some kind of an odd feeling. I know you’re gonna say it’s jealousy but no that’s not it, trust me I thought it was jealousy too but in reality it’s like I am some kind of alien like someone different from everyone else..It’s weird and I don’t know if this is the right way to explain it. Just forget it!

They were depressing me too, now you are gonna think I am a freak but well yes every annoyed person looks like that. Shaking my head at myself and my weird thoughts I turned my head from the kids to the cars. Maybe something here might interest me, even though I am not really into cars and stuff but still I tried.

Apparently Instead of a car a driver I mean 'A guy' took my attention. He looked quite annoyed too, by the way he was talking to someone on the phone and shaking his head in pure annoyance. I liked that he was proving my earlier thoughts wrong. I wasn’t the only annoyed one here!

He shut his phone up and sighed theatrically, then walked over to a car, a beautiful black BMW X5. ‘Nice car!’ I thought it really looked shinny and ostentatious.

He looked a lot older than me and was dressed really well. Yeah I’ll have to give him that. A dark blue V-Neck T-shirt, above that was a classy nylon jacket with a pair of black denim jeans. He was tall, like probably 6.1 or 6.2 or something. His brown hair was tousled and messy like he’d just woken up from bed but you could tell that he had spent hours in front of the mirror styling them.

He leaned back at the passenger’s seat door and crossed his hands over his chest, facing the school. The place wasn’t as crowded as before, many of the students had left.  He stared longingly at the schools door, not like he wanted to get in there more like he wanted someone to get out of there!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2012 ⏰

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