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"Exactly! I knew Jenny would win because she was creative," Victoria said as she and Jin were in deep conversation about the latest episode of Beat Bobby Flay, which had just started to air on Korean television with subtitles.

The gang was roaming the aisles of a grocery store, searching for s'mores items for the bonfire they had planned. It was the day after their lunch, and Namjoon insisted they come over to his trailer for some fire bonding time.

"Yeah," Jin agreed excitedly in the well-lit store. "The other guy was just too...like...a burger? Really? That's your dish to see if you're worthy to take on Bobby Flay?"

Victoria nodded while Jungkook picked some choco pies from the shelf and showed them to Iseul for approval. "It's just American bar food."

"Bobby would eat alive someone so simple-minded."

She smirked. "Yeah. He'd...filet them." She said 'filet' quickly so it sounded like 'flay', and Jin burst out in his windshield laugh.

Yoongi stared Jin dead in the eyes. "Marry her."

Jin's face flushed at his comment, but Victoria just laughed it off, turning her attention to Jungkook and Iseul, who were giggling.

"What are you two so giddy about?" she asked with a smirk.

They looked at her with alarm. "What?" Jungkook said before laughing nervously. "Nothing."

She squinted. "Uh huh."


Once they loaded up the pit with wood, Namjoon flicked his lit cigarette into it to start the fire. It ignited slowly along with the setting sun that sunk behind the cargo cars surrounding them.

"Hyung, I'm so glad you replaced those crates with old couches from the dumpster," Jungkook said sarcastically, granting a laugh from Iseul.

She hit his shoulder. "Tell us how you really feel."

Victoria plopped down on one of them. They were surprisingly comfy if they were from the dumpster like Jungkook had said. An aroma of rose petals filled her nostrils. "These smell good. Is that febreeze?"

Iseul jerked her head toward the older, and they said in unison, "Hold on. Is this a febreeze commercial?" before busting up in laughter. Jungkook smiled and scooted closer to her on their couch.

Jin laughed a bit and sat next to Victoria, but quickly swung his legs over the arm, laying his head in her lap. "Play with my hair."

She raised an eyebrow. "Jin, you're twenty-three."

"Play with my hair!" he whined.

Victoria rolled her eyes but smiled down at him and laced her fingers through his tope locks. He closed his eyes and hummed, the corners of his mouth tugging upward.

She glanced over at Iseul and Jungkook. He had slinked an arm around her waist and was discreetly pressing gently kisses on her face.

Just watching gave her a pang of jealousy. But then she realized that what she was doing with Jin was well on it's way toward that.

Jin opened his eyes. "You suck at this."

"Well, then how am I supposed to do it, genius?" she asked in a high-pitched voice, a bit offended.

He giggled and sat up. "Okay, lay your head in my lap."

She just looked at him. "Jin..."

"Come on! I have to demonstrate." He smirked. "I'm a teacher, Vic. It's what I do."

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