Chapter 6: Stitches

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Hope you all had a good weekend!

Again, thanks for all the lovely comments and votes! Don't be a silent reader and definitely drop me a comment (or a vote) as you read through the chapter. I may not be able to respond to every comment, but I do read through them all!

Also huge shoutout to Nightsrainfall, I promise one day to send you fancy whiskey!

Song of the chapter is, "Ring of Fire," by Johnny Cash.

Also, if you can guess where the gif from below is from, then I will 100% shoutout you in the next chapter!


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Chris is marching towards the direction they go in but I stop him. He looks like he wants to nail my nose again but I put a finger to my lips. I don't think they're all gone yet, it smells like one is still near.

I told Eve to wait in the tree. She's still sitting there when I turn but something is crunching not far from us. Chris finds a fallen tree and points to it. We both run towards it then dive down behind it.

Something is pushing at my brain. I push back only to piss him off before I let him in. "There's another?"


"Where do you think they went?"

"Don't know. We can check after this one leaves."

"I don't want my sister going near the Black's pack line."

"Me either."

It's then that I realize that he knows how grave the situation is. I think he's more anxious because of our proximity to the line than anything else. I think he knows how badly this will affect their pack—I think he may be an ally, reluctant, but an ally.

"She can't keep staying there."

"It's her home."

He looks back at me, my eyes burning a hole into his before he looks up enough over the log to see. He puts a finger to his lips. "They're walking around. Wind is blowing towards us, we should be good."

He's quiet for a few moments before he looks back at me. "We don't need a war."

"There won't be if enough of your pack won't back Emmett."

"We're close," he says, surprising me. "You may be a Thorne, but the moon's will is her will."

I'm going to have Thorne written on every damn tree out here just to spite them one day.

Chris looks up again before he nods to me. "Gone."

"You didn't recognize them?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I would know if they were Jeremiah's. I have friends over there. I know his patrols. Those aren't his."

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