Chapter 2

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Rachel sighs as she hits facetime, hoping to get ahold of her cousin Camila.

"Hey, Rach, what is it? I'm in the middle of rehearsal." Camila said after picking up. Her skin was glistening with sweat as she took a drink from a water bottle.

"Do you think you and the rest of the girls can come to my school and perform for my glee club? I kinda wanted to sing your song This is The Life." Rachel says quickly.

"Um... I don't know." Camila said. "We have a show there on Saturday. I'm not sure if we'll be there before then."

Rachel bites her lip and looks down. "It's just, everyone picks on me for wanting to be a star and I can't tell anyone I'm your cousin."

"I'll see what I can do." Camila said. "Is everything okay? You look a little upset."

Looking back up, Rachel forces a smile. "Everything is great."

Camila frowned. "Tell me the truth, Rachel."

"Is that Rach!?" Dinah yells from across the rehearsal room.

Lauren perks up and moves over to Camila. "Hey Rach, what's wrong?" She asks upon seeing the sadness in the girl's eyes.

Sighing, Rachel shifts uncomfortably. "Do you remember the girl I was telling you about during the summer?" Yeah, she had lied about music camp. She went on tour with her cousin.

"The blonde with the green eyes?" Dinah asked. "The head cheerleader."

Nodding her head, Rachel leans back slightly so she can see all five girls. "She was in a car accident over the summer and almost died. She lost everything, her spot on the cheer team, her friends, and even her sight in her right eye."

"That's terrible." The girls exclaimed. "Is she alright?"

"I don't know, she's different and Miss Pillsbury asked me to be her buddy in school. Today she was so exhausted." Rachel says quietly, she felt like crying. "Finn was so angry that I didn't sit with him at lunch and kept talking down on Quinn so I broke up with him."

"Oh, Rach, I'm sorry." Camila said softly. "Everything will work out in the end."

"It's not your fault, I just realized how rude he was." Rachel says sadly.

"Better to get out now than to let it get any further." Dinah said. "Now you can focus on that girl."

Normani wraps her arms around Dinah from behind and kisses her cheek. "Just focus on getting her to fall for you."

"I can't do that." Rachel said. "She's a completely different person now. She can barely get a complete sentence out of her

Ally frowns and tilts her head. "Does that make you don't love her anymore?"

"What? I never said that." Rachel said. "I just meant that it's like she's been reprogrammed. The accident wiped her memory and she's got no idea who she is or what's she's done."

Lauren shifts slightly beside Camila. "Just be there for her and tell her about herself."

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked.

"Like, tell her the good things about herself and tell her good memories you have with her." Lauren responds before shifting away from Camila.

Rachel nodded. "Um... Okay. I'll try."

A voice in the background calls for the girls to get back to rehearsal.

"We've got to go." Camila said softly. "We'll speak to you later."

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