Silly Daze: Part 1

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Sang in a Silly Daze

Chapter 1

A simple Tuesday morning, as all Tuesdays seem to go, regular and normal. Two words that any other girl would be offended to have describe her or her life,but Sang was no normal girl.

Sang relished in the normality of this Tuesday morning.

Cuddling up on the couch with Kota and Victor—who were doing their bests to make sure that Sang didn't have any anxiety over her checkup with Doctor Roberts later on that day, Sang grinned silently to herself. Who would have ever thought that she would have her boys and be happy with no drama and no fear of what her stepmother or father or even Marie would say or do.

The boys constantly reassured Sang that there was no need to be anxious over a checkup. She wasn't nervous about that in fact. Actually, she was worried about the fact that she needed another one already!

It seemed like it had been just a few months –it was probably around 4 or 5—since she had last had to go to one of these things with Doctor Roberts. Though the man was kind and very much like a grandfather to her at this point, she still had issues with discussing her health and body so openly with him. Not even the boys (well not all of them, she corrected) were privy to some of the details that she knew he was waiting to toss at her.

The episode ended as Victor had astutely predicted it would – Bellamy and Clarke were now separated not only by each other's emotional protective walls, but now also by all the thousands of miles that lay between Bellamy stuck in the space station for about 5 years with the others (including Echo, who Sang likened to Jade for some reason) and Clarke was stuck down on earth with no one except now there was some mystery little girl.

Sang secretly kind of hoped that the girl was Bellarke's daughter--as in maybe they got together somewhere in between Bellamy telling Clarke to make it a fatal shot (oh how Sang's heart had nearly beat right out of her chest in that scene!) and Clarke leaving to go fix the stupid satellite thing so that Raven would be able to open the Ark's door once the rocket reached it.

It would be perfect, Sang thought, because Bellamy took such good care of Octavia that he would obviously be an amazing dad and Clarke would be a great mom because she was always caring for others. Plus, the two were such amazing and natural leaders; Sang had been waiting for the moment that the writers let Bellamy and Clarke finally get together since the first episode. 

Kota smiled, gently shaking his head probably in amusement at Sang's very obvious excitement about the plot of a television show of all things. Or maybe it was in complete astonishment since Kota had always been more of a book person than a tv person. He reached up and bopped Sang on the tip of her nose. As she giggled, he used his index finger to push his own glasses back up since they had been hanging on the very tip of his nose. 

"Ten," he said, responding to Sang's grumbling "I don't believe that the writers will be making that happen. I mean, that girl is obviously way older than 4—the age she'd need to be if Bellamy had impregnated Clarke just before the rocket launched/ Clarke left to save the day."

Bellarke defies logic, Sang wanted to scream in his way-too-rational face. Instead, she turned to Victor, sending him pleading glances and a pout to boot. "But don't you think Bellarke are just so perfect together?! If that girl is Bellamy's daughter with Clarke, it's perfect, because then we can stop guessing at when they'll finally get together!"

Victor's bemused look transformed into a full on head shaking, belly grabbing laugh. "Oh, Princess, that is amazing! Why are you so worked up over this television show?"

The 100 was not just a tv show! Oh, she needed North. He was secretly rooting for Bellarke just as much as Sang was.

The boys had all—all 9, including Mr. Blackbourne and Sean—taken to watching old episodes of The 100 with Sang (it was her favorite show recently) until they were all caught up. At this point, they just kept watching the best old episodes while they waited for the new season to start.

Sang slumping in her seat, folded her arms and sighed petulantly. Sang didn't have to be normal to know that Bellarke was totally endgame.

"I'm sorry Princess, I know you love this show. I do admit, it's interesting in its own sci-fi, dystopian, teenage angst kind of way." Sang could not even pretend offense at his blunt labeling of her favorite entertainment because it was all true.

Kota added, "And I like it. The premise is pretty amazing. I'm actually interested in whether A.L.I.E. had any precautions in place for Praimfaya—and the language that the grounders have created is pretty astounding seeing as they were supposedly the "left behind" and technically should not have had such developed patterns of speaking."

Before Kota could go into his spiel about protolanguage, Victor stood up rolling his eyes. "That's enough super dweeb," he softened it with a smile and Kota's return eye-roll showed that he had taken no offense.

"It's time for a certain little Princess to get a checkup." 

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