Silly Daze: Part 4

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Chapter 4: Let's Futterwacken

* Owen Blackbourne POV *

Owen Blackbourne was sitting in his living room, flipping through an application on his iPad called Robinhood which allowed the user to view stocks, their personal portfolio, and could easily link the user to current articles that discussed said stocks.

A laptop seated on the cushion to his left was viewing a documentary about the history of war in America and to his right sat a cup of tea, steaming hot and straight from the kettle. The tea bag hung limply over the rim of the cup.

In short, Owen was having a very relaxing day.

That is, however, only until his cell phone rang. He knew that he was on schedule to pick up Ms. Sorenson after her physical checkup with Dr. Roberts today; he did not know, however, how it could be over already.

According to the text updates that he had received from Misters Lee and Morgan, Ms. Sorenson had been delivered into Dr. Roberts' fully capable hands and had even survived a run-in with Dr. Green's overly-flirtatious personality. Owen barely managed to not roll his eyes at his more than generous description of his best friend.

Sean was a flirty little floozy when he wanted to be.

He was also, however, an incredibly talented man and very skilled doctor. He had also texted Owen an update just recently describing his take on Ms. Sorenson's emotional stability at the time of said run-in. According to him, "Pookie is like a jittery little bunny rabbit on Easter. Just waiting for the kids to leave the Trix alone but they keep saying it's only for kids."

God only knew how much sugar Dr. Green must have ingested to say such a thing.

All the same, these things ensured that Owen was slightly anxious about Ms. Sorenson being left alone with Dr. Roberts. Since the man himself had not called, however, Owen had allowed himself to relax.

It would seem, according to Ms. Alice Wunderland—sounds like something Sean would make it, so help him, if he's attempting to pull a prank—that Ms. Sorenson had asked for him specifically. That she needed help, that she needed him and had specifically said his name when asked if there was someone she wanted with her... that alone threw Owen for a spin.

He was not unaware that Ms. Sorenson was not entirely comfortable in his presence. He had always had an intimidating persona, and he was not truly aware of the aura that he put off at times. Even the boys had called him on it though, as he'd informed them, he was working on his relationship with Ms. Sorenson and obvouisly her comfort level with him would not be nearly as high as with the others due to not having as much personal time together.

So her asking for Owen Blackbourne specifically was, quite honestly, a bit weird.

Still, Owen stood as quickly as he could, efficiently moving to empty the tea into the sink and place the cup into the sink for washing later. The laptop and iPad were both powered off and he was exiting the home all the while informing Ms. Wunderland "I'm on my way," before hanging up and getting into his BMW.

It did not take long to arrive at the hospital. It did not take long even to reach room 305, where Ms. Wunderland had said that she had left Ms. Sorenson after giving her something to "ease her anxiousness," as asked for by Dr. Roberts.

The thought of Ms. Sorenson being so nervous that Dr. Roberts believed that she needed to be drugged was astounding but not enough to slow him to question the nurse or to seek out Dr. Roberts. Ms. Sorenson had asked for him, and he would present himself for her.

It was as he opened the door and was immediately assaulted that his iron control over his facial features was completely and utterly destroyed.


Ms. Sorenson was...grinning....if such a thing could encompass the huge smile on her face. She radiated beauty...she also seemed...well, drunk.

Owen entered the room warily, calling out "Ms. Sorenson?," while closing the door behind him.

He had not taken two steps closer to her before she was launching herself at him, his arms barely getting up in time to catch her.

She was then ...kissing him?! Planting sloppy, wet kisses all over his cheeks, eyelids, forehead, chin, anywhere that she could reach from within his arms.

"I MISSED YOU I MISSED YOU I MISSED YOU I DID I DID I DID OH I DID!," she screamed right into his ear.

Owen moved to let her down, grimacing when her nails dung into the back of his neck as she clung onto him.

"Owie Pooh, whattya doin here? Are you here for a checkup too?" Before Owen could try and capitalize on this seeming moment of clarity, she leaned in with huge eyes and whisper-shouted "Are you here for a prostate exam? I totally heard Gabriel and North saying you had a stick up your ass" she burst into giggles, "but I didn't think it was for real."

Owen pinched his lips together to keep from laughing aloud. "Ms. Sorenson, I received a call from Ms. Wunderland—"


She then pushed Owen in the abdomen as hard as she could, him stumbling backward in surprise, before she pulled the door open and ran into the hallway yelling "HATTER HATTER HATTER, WATCH ME FUTTERWACKEN!"

A/N: Sorry, i know its not great. I'll make next weekend's update long and (hopefully) a lot funnier to make up for this 

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