C H A P T E R: 3

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You let out of sigh as you pick your bag from the taxi and head towards your boss's penthouse after paying the fair.

You weren't even surprised to witness the breathtaking view that lay beset you.
You were welcomed by the pink tinge of the hibiscus flowers adorned atop the boundary of the extravagant house.
You look around, all lost, not knowing where you are supposed to go.
You turn to your left and see your boss's cars parked there, all neat and tidily.
Ah! So he's a perfectionist....  well such a personality isn't as much of a surprise since your dad also happens to be this sophisticated....

Your eyes dart toward the luscious green garden which was across this pavement, ahead of which is the surreal penthouse.

Your eyes dart toward the luscious green garden which was across this pavement, ahead of which is the surreal penthouse

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You finally make it to the house and ring the bell, twice.
Soon you were greeted by your perfectionist of a bos- wait why's he wearing red boxers? With chibi characters drawn on them? and why's he wearing a fucking black shirt which clearly makes his freakin' chest look more ripped than it should!

You look at him in awe.... He was looking good, no doubt but seeing him like this for the very first time is a little weird- hella weird actually.....

"Oh uh ..Hey!" He greets you waving his fingers and then he takes a few sips from the beer can he was holding.

"Hey" you bite your lips and face the ground but unknowingly or perhaps rather intentionally they move towards a place they shouldn't have EVER!
at his damn crotch!
Wtf why is it piercing through his-
Wtf y/n stop thinking shit!

Wait a sec.... Was he watching porn before you came or fuvk was he doing himsel.....

You shake your head out of embarrassment.....

"Something's wrong?" He asks you
"No.... Uh...." You stutter, "umm..."

"Oh! How silly of me..... Come inside please" he gestures you to enter his kingdom

"Thanks" you smile and follow his lead

"Alright so....." He scratches the back of his neck, "that room is my room and yours is the one just beside it, cool?"

You nod
"and as for cooking..... I usually do that on my own except on Sundays since I'm out on meetings and don't have time so uh.... I call my noona"

Wow he's so rich yet so sober.....

"Don't worry about food.... I know how to cook...." You say as a sign of respect. Of course you're ought to do that, he's already done a huge favor for you.

"Aww thanks but..."

"We can divide days sir"

He gives you an irritated look
"Taehyung! Anyway, as you wish then...." He smiles sipping the beer, "oh! How rude of me for not asking.... Beer?"

"Umm.... Thanks" you say and he walks over the fridge to get you one

He walks over to you and handles you the beer can.
You feel light headed and your stomach pinches as if you were about to throw up.
Your flu was showing up again....

Before you could even pick the beer, your hands cover your mouth and you frantically ask taehyung about the nearest bathroom

"Fuck no! Don't puke on my carpet!!" He picks you up and throws the beer can in the sink before running to his room which happened to be the only nearest one

He kicks the bathroom door heftily and places you on the ground.
You open the lid of the toilet and wasting no time start emptying your stomach from the accumulated bile

He looks at you in confusion, not knowing what to do next, he runs his hand over his temples and then soon covers his nose due to the smell

Your eyes turn bloodshot red because of the pain in your stomach along with the pressure your throat had to go through in the process....
You breath in heavily and tiredly flush out your contents but before you knew it the wave if nausea again hits you and in no time there you were vomiting again

Taehyung feels bad looking at your state and so he covers his nose and turns the exhaust fan on and sits next to you.
He rubs your back and occasionally pats it in order to comfort you.

You were feeling embarrassed. Super embarrassed to say the least.
It was your first day here and you were puking in front of your boss! How cringy!

"Do you feel like throwing up more?" He asks you as soon as you stop puking. You look at him and nod at him, gesturing him that you were done.

You flush again and splash some water over your face. Without even looking at your boss you immediately go to the hall where you previously were and pick up your bag.

You search for your toothbrush and paste and hurriedly make your way again back into the bathroom, carrying your heavy bag along.

He looks at you as if you were the 8th wonder of world.
He didn't know what to say.....

You were done brushing your teeth. A million thoughts were running your mind at the moment. All in a way screaming "you are an embarrassment Kim y/n!"

You unzip your bag and take the most expensive perfume out of your bag and start spraying

"You know you don't have to do all this" he says, leaning over the doorframe

You keep mum
A tear escapes your eyes and your lips start trembling
Your silky hair covers your face as you constantly spray the perfume.

You place the perfume on the sink and pick the wiper in order to clean the entire bathroom but befyou do that your hand automatically stops, it freezes.
Soon you land on his rock hard chest, "it's okay..... It's only natural.... You don't have a control over it, do you?"

You hold his shirt and sulk, warm tears seeping through his black shirt

"I'm so sorry.... I am ashamed of what I did"

"Shh.... I sneezed on my crush's face back in high school...." He says

You chuckle hearing him, "oops... Sorry for that"

"It's okay.... I think you should sleep.... I'll call the doctor"

"No.... I'll go to the doc tomorrow. I already have an appointment and besides it's just a flu I caught due to the junk food I've been dwelling on" you roll your eyes and withdraw from his hug.
You wipe your tears and smile at him genuinely


Only if it were jungkook here with you instead of taehyung.....



~author kookieskitty xx 🐾😘😘🌹

Playful Kiss (19+ j.jk ff) (Completed ✔)Where stories live. Discover now