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"Can you help me out
Can you lend me a hand
It's safe to say
That I'm stuck again

Trapped between this life
And the light
I just cant figure out
How to make it right"

^I get so emo listening to this song since it reminds me of the good ol' childhood days.. 💟

"Dear...." Jungkook smiles, looking at his gem, who distracts him by sucking on the fabric of his favorite white shirt, as she rests her head on his shoulder.. His princess spreads her drool around it carelessly squirming a little further up every now and then in her father's embrace.. he rocks her and leans his head sideways to land a lovable kiss on top of her head which makes the toddler look at her father in awe, followed by a giggle as jungkook pouts and makes those weird faces he does everytime to get that reaction from her..

"Uh.." jungkook sighs as he raises the kid further up, his arms getting tired from rocking her ever since she got up from her evening slumber.

Well the kid is being demanding.. not actually always has been in the past 11 months but strangely today she wouldn't let her appa do anything but make her rock her for as long as she demands and play with her for as long as half an hour or more by constantly gripping her in his embrace, and well it's not just Jungkook but any living creature would've gotten hella tired!

From singing to dancing on weird songs to playing with her toys, Jungkook tried everything that was in his hands to entertain his baby but now as shes been squirming in his grip, whimpering a little out in frustration, he finally decided to open the letters you had written for her- your beloved daughter, RiJin

Jungkook snaps his fingers to draw her attention, "RiJin-ah! Look look look!" He cooes as he flashes the paper in front of her, "it's from your eomma, baby" he kisses her forehead, pausing as he scans her features, which were now looking eerily similar to you even more than how she looked a few months ago when she was just born, a smile plasters Jungkook's face automatically as she totally reminds him of you..

He clears his throat and continues, "dear RiJin-ah- or well Jeongsan.." jungkook lets out a smile, pressing his lips together as he looks to the other side thinking of how you had decided the names on your own during the time when you were expecting this child..

He again looks at the baby, who was now holding her father's shirt tightly and was looking at his face with curiosity..

"Dear, RiJin.." he reframes, "first off, I'm a terrible writer.. so if you might have expected a beautifully written letter then I humbly apologize to you for that baby.." he laughs as he reads along,
"there is this saying, 'time waits for none'.. well trust me, it is indeed very well true and I've had my own share with this saying in the life that I led.. it's strange how we are surrounded by such beautiful thoughts..sayings..idioms all that we are well versed with and use them only in words but- we never actually try them out in reality.. well at least I didn't." Jungkook gulps down the heavy clot in his throat, knowing exactly what you were pointing at- him.

"Anyway, let's not get too deep into it, baby.. it's about you after all.. not eomma!
In the span of those 9 months- 9 wonderful months.. I've watched you grow, nestle inside me- making me realize how I now have a responsibility. A responsibility that I unconditionally want to protect with all my will and heart!
I want you to know that you're braver than you believe, stronger than you feel and smarter than you know and you are loved by many!" Jungkook inhales sharply as he looses his will to go on any further.. he closes his eyes for a while, tears slipping down his face in the process as he recalls that day in the hospital- the day your daughter was born..

Playful Kiss (19+ j.jk ff) (Completed ✔)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt