Chapter Fifteen

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It was like that first meeting all over again, except this time, everyone was gathered around the metal table, which had been set in the middle of the small room.

"Calayne," Iker announced unnecessarily. "Riviera told me that you're willing to assist us."

"If," she emphasized as she walked up to the table, Aaro glancing at her distastefully, "your plan is worth my time."

"Then there's no time to waste." Iker turned to Riviera. "If you'll do the honors."

She swaggered forward, tossing down a sheet of paper covered with various marks. At the very top, denoted by a number one, was her name: Riviera, followed by Anya, Jemma, a female Astra had met several days before during free time named Wren, and Ciril. Scribbled in near the end of the list was her false name, though she noted with surprise that she was no longer last and was now ahead of a dozen or so other wraiths, including Luria.

"As of right now and as per usual," Riviera started, a hint of smugness in her tone, "I am in first place. Along with the next four ranks, I am guaranteed to go to Firelight Ball, which is in three weeks." She slid her finger down, down, all the way down, where it stopped on the name 'Jesper'.

"Jesper is in the next highest place, followed by Rousel." Jesper smirked, and cuffed his brother on the neck, who exaggerated a yelp. Riviera cut Rousel a glance, who immediately snapped his mouth closed. Under the dim lights of the floating fireballs in the room, Riviera's light brown eyes looked orange and feral.

"We've already tried to get at least one of you boys to the top ten," she continued. "Iker is too unlikeable, not to mention he ruined any chance he had when he started fighting every new person that joined the army. I'm pretty sure the guards are afraid of Aaro." The ice wraith shrugged, unapologetic. "And Rousel's played too many tricks on the guards."

"Complain all you want, but without me, we wouldn't even have a meeting place," he interjected, popping his eyebrows at everyone else. Jesper, face twisted like he'd smelled something nasty, whacked him again. Astra had to bite down on the inside of her cheek from laughing at the brothers' antics, before she sombered again. She missed that sort of sibling relationship.

"Regardless," Riviera emphasized, eyes flicking toward the boys again, "we all know it would be nothing short of a miracle for one of you to even climb to top twenty." Rousel mumbled something that sounded vaguely like a challenge, but Riviera ignored him. Instead, she looked at Astra. "That's why we need you. You're new, young, and female. You have all the advantage."

Astra scanned the paper document in front of her. "I'm thirteenth to last place. I ruined my chance when I stood up for Luria." Riviera snorted and tossed her head.

"Everyone starts somewhere. You'd be a fool to think that that somewhere is first place. Besides, the guards are more lenient with your first few mistakes." The wind wraith reached into her shirt, down her brassiere—the males in the room politely and awkwardly looked away. Rousel started whistling before his brother quickly slapped a hand over his mouth. Thank gods.

Riviera took out a tiny square piece of paper that had been folded multiple times. Everyone's eyes came back to Riviera once the rustling sound of paper made it clear that she was now opening whatever she'd brought out.

"Within our group," Riviera explained, "Iker is our leader. Jesper and I prioritize in spy work and gathering information. Rousel is excellent at espionage." The male in mention lit his index finger on fire and grinned maniacally before his brother reached over and extinguished the flame with his fingers. "Aaro is our link to all the other wraiths in the army.

"I found this map in Pascal's room a few days ago." The map opened up was huge and covered nearly the entirely table. "This is a full map of the royal palace, as well as its grounds.

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