Chapter Twenty-Five

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Astra shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she waited for the others to file in for the peace conference. A placard sitting on the huge round table before her stated her false identity and allegiance. Lumianna Yunai of Yunai Ice Wraith Clan, daughter of Chief Yunai, ambassador of the ice wraiths.

She wondered if the real Lumianna knew anything about the deceit.

Eight chairs. Three were already taken up—one by her, one by Ciril, and one by Jemma. Their assigned seats were sandwiched by the empty seats of the other dignitaries.

As the other dignitaries began to enter the room, Astra kept her eyes downcast, hoping no one looked too long at her.

"Aren't you dying in this heat?" someone asked. There was the sound of a seat being slid out.

Astra peeked to her right. A young man with windswept brown hair with a hint of copper settled into the seat next to her. His placard read Olan Amador, ambassador of Aeris.

"It's manageable when I stay inside," she answered, unsure of what else to say when she caught sight of Xernes, discussing something animatedly with someone she recognized as the Prince of Solasia.

She lowered her head even more and turned to Olan. "How long have you been an ambassador?"

He smiled. "Much longer than I would like. You?"

"I feel the same as you."

"Thank you all for attending our annual peace conference," the King of Auxerre announced, pointedly not looking at the only seat that remained empty, between Jemma and Ciril.

Next to Astra, the placard reading Prince Dalen Avrlove of Solasia shook as the prince sat down.

"The Pelosian-Iveian War ended five years ago with an armistice," the king began gravely. "Yet, this is the fifth year the Pelosian government has refused to attend our peace conference. Border activity has also increased, although thus far, they have been considered minor skirmishes and thus under the jurisdiction of the border cities."

"Border activity has increased for us as well," the prince of Solasia spoke up as he leaned forward, clasping his hands together. "Fifteen injured, six deaths, and stolen crops and damaged homes, just in this past week. Pelosia has announced statements that they're bandit attacks."

He was younger than her. It was strange that the Queen of Solasia had not sent someone else, someone more experienced.

"They're preparing for war. We've known this for years," Xernes pointed out. "We ought to just call the armistice off. The longer we stall, the more likely we'll be defeated when they do come knocking."

"And what about the people?" Olan leaned forward. "After the Pelosian-Iveian War that lasted over a decade and the millions of lives that were lost, do you honestly think anyone would want to fight?

"That's why we draft fighters, Ambassador." Xernes waved a hand at Astra, Jemma, and Ciril. "And that is why we offer incentives to the wraith clans in return for armies."

To Astra's relief, Ciril leaned forward to answer first. "And what incentives would you offer, Commander?"

If Xernes realized a traitor, one of his prized agents, was sitting in the same room as he was, he would likely slit her throat without hesitation, peace conference or not. Or perhaps he would drag her back to Varaly to torture her first.

"Citizenship, of course," Xernes offered. "Among other possible amenities."

Second-class citizenship, Astra thought, but she wasn't stupid enough to say it out loud.

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