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"This is getting a bit ridiculous." Eddie thinks to herself as she once again gawks at Jamie from a distance. It was almost like she was a 14 year old school girl staring at the popular boy from across the hall. Eddie was sure she looked crazy to anyone passing by. This was unfair. Why did she have to suffer under the weight of her overwhelming feelings for Jamie while he seemed completely fine?

"Eddie." Eddie snaps out of her thoughts to see Jamie staring at her funny. "Are you okay?" Jamie tilts his head so that he is in Eddie's line of vision. Eddie blinks a few times before locking eyes with Jamie who looks extremely worried about Eddie's current state of mind.

"Oh, uh." Eddie completely loses her train of thought, now she was just standing there with her mouth hanging open, while Jamie stared at her.

"Eddie." Jamie says her name again.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." Eddie manages to get the sentence out, but Jamie looks unconvinced. "I'm just a little distracted right now." Eddie admits. It wasn't a complete lie. She just wouldn't admit that the distraction was Jamie. "But I am good now." Eddie clears her throat, straightening up and brushing her hands over her uniform. Jamie watches her face intently but when Eddie looks up he glances away.

"Squad car is out front." Jamie states and Eddie nods making sure she puts on her happy normal face, as to not draw anymore of Jamie's attention.

"Do you have the keys?" Eddie questions resting a hand on her belt. Jamie's eyebrows raise upwards.

"Are you serious Janko?" Jamie scoffs shaking his head. "Of course I have the keys." Jamie adds his head still shaking. "Are you sure you aren't running a fever?" Jamie inquires moving his hand to Eddie's forehead. Eddie tenses up, pressing her lips together trying to pretend like Jamie's fingertips brushing against her skin didn't send tingles up and down her spine.

"Positive." Eddie assures him but Jamie was still unconvinced. Thankfully he drops the subject and his hand from Eddie's forehead so that Eddie could breathe again. Jamie takes one last look at Eddie before turning to walk down the hallway. Eddie pauses for second watching Jamie walk down the hall. Jamie looks back questioningly at Eddie who clears her throat and jogs to meet Jamie at the end of the hall.

"Its slow today." Jamie remarks, the radio car slows at a red light. Eddie turns away from the window to look a Jamie. She nods slowly in agreement before turning back to look out the window.

"Slow is good." Eddie comments not looking away from the window.

"You know." Jamie starts with a sigh. The sigh causes Eddie to turn towards him, examining his face worriedly. "You have been weird today." Jamie accuses, Eddie rolls her eyes turning away again.

"I said I'm fine." Her head snaps back to look at Jamie glaring at him with squinted eyes.

Eddie knew she was being difficult. She knew that she wasn't angry at Jamie for being concerned about her. She was angry at herself for feeling the way that she did. For having feelings for Jamie, her partner and best friend.

"Just because someone says they're fine doesn't mean that the are." Jamie counters, Eddie rolls her eyes again. She turns back towards Jamie sighing.

"Thank you captain obvious." Eddie bites back, a small smile plays at her lips. She couldn't stay mad at him, even if she wanted to.

"See that seems more like the Eddie I know and love." Jamie chirps happily. Eddie tenses up for a brief moment before relaxing. Eddie lets a nervous laugh out in an attempt to seem normal. Luckily it was enough for Jamie. Eddie was going to say something to bring blood pressure down several levels when the radio spurts to life.

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