07.14 - Easton Zed

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*WARNING: The following content may contain sexual content.*

By the time Maida woke up, she felt the soft breeze of the wind. Feeling a slight headache, she opened her eyes to see a beautiful mosaic ceiling. Recalling what had happened, she tried to sit up but fell back down onto the soft bed.

"Careful Maida," The kind voice surprised Maida.

Sure enough, Maida turned to see the protagonist rushing into the room with a tray in her hand. Quickly setting the tray on the end table, Rosie Zoua then helped Maida sit up against the headboard of the bed.

"Why?" Was all Maida could mouth out.

Seeing the confusion on Maida's face, Rosie explained the situation. Apparently, after that day when Maida helped Rosie broke free from the abductors in the dead forest, Rosie went back to the cave - wanting to get help from Erin Le whom she know was in the militia. Erin Le had learned through Rosie that Maida had been captured and immediately tried to go save her. Unfortunately, the vice-commander was badly injured. He could barely moved, much less go save anyone. Guilt and remorse filled Rosie as she realized that Maida had taken her place. After all, if it wasn't for Maida, Rosie would have been the one being auction off in the black market.

In the end, Rosie Zoua and Erin Le waited inside the cave until the man was well enough to move. Luckily, they didn't have to wait long. The very next day, a group of soldiers appeared and was thankful to find their vice-commander alive. On the other hand, Erin Le was relieved because now he can have his people search for Maida. But after three months into search - even after Erin Le was healed enough to go search for Maida himself, no news or information about the girl ever came up. Even Rosie who was safely returned to her home, begged her family to send people out to look for the girl who had helped her in multiple occasion. Still, Maida's whereabouts was never found.

It took an entire year before Rosie Zoua and Erin Le learned where Maida was. The day Maida was captured; she was sold off to one of the notorious auction house. The reason why no one could find Maida whereabouts was because that same auction house was destroyed the same week after the woman was sold. When Erin Le found out that the auction house was destroyed by the Gobi, he swiftly investigated further. Sure enough, he learned the Gobi's leader Zed Easton was the one who bought Maida in the auction. Knowing that beautiful woman had fallen into the dangerous mafia boss' hands, Rosie Zoua was devastated while Erin Le was filled with silent rage. Immediately, the protagonist and male lead set forward their plan to save Maida by getting some men to infiltrate the Gobi. But the deadly mafia was not an easy group to get in. There were rules, orders, and deadly initiations one must go through to be a Gobi member.

It took Erin Le years before two of eight of his men were able to get within the group. And only when one of the two men had successfully rose in rank and was able to enter the main den that Erin Le was able to "save" Maida. After hearing Rosie's explanation, Maida could only pinched the bridge of her nose. Should she cry or should she laugh?

"Maida?" Rosie saw Maida's tired expression and thought the woman was recalling horrible memories with the rumored evil mafia boss. "Don't worry Maida. You're safe here in Harika."

Hearing Rosie's comment, Maida lifted her head in surprised? Even though Maida entire was weak from the drug that still lingers in her system, she pushed herself off the bed.

"Maida," Rosie was startled when Maida rushed to the window, nearly falling before she reached it.

Holding herself up by the windowsill, Maida took in the stunning sight of the City of Gold. Unlike Inops where the land was dirty and grim - unlike Malum where the desert was dark and cold, Harika was the only area where the sun shines beautifully.

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